10–12 slide PowerPoint presentation

You are to create a 10–12 slide PowerPoint presentation detailing the following information: OSHA’s History and Mission OSHA Standards Employer Responsibilities Worker’s Rights/Responsibilities Enforcing Standards Reporting Safety Hazards Whistleblower Protections OHSA Violations and Fines Examples This presentation should focus on one company that has been fined in the North Florida area. Include in your slide the cause of the fines and how much they were. You can find this information on OSHA’s official website under the “Enforcement” tab or from Enforcement Cases with Initial Penalties of $40,000 or AboveLinks to an external site.. Your PowerPoint must include a title and reference page. The slide show must automatically progress. Once opened, it should automatically advance to the next slide. The PowerPoint must be presented with an audio recording detailing the information within each slide. List only the information needed on the slide to gain your audience’s attention. Detailed information about each slide should be presented within your audio recording. The presentation should last no shorter than five minutes and no longer than ten minutes. Additionally, presenter notes should be included at the bottom of each slide and mimic the audio recording to meet ADA accommodations. All graphics, pictures, and charts must be cited and listed on the reference page. Review the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Links to an external site. website.I am open to suggestions regarding the color theme. Please consider the following requirements: – The presentation should be visually appealing and engaging, considering its educational purpose. – The content must be clear, concise, and well-structured, to facilitate the learning process for the audience. – It should ideally include relevant images, graphs, or other visual aids to enhance understanding.