3-4-page, double-spaced essay

You will write a 3-4-page, double-spaced essay in 12pt Times New Roman font with 1”, normal margins. This will be the basic format for the midterm. You are required to have at least two scholarly resources that you will use in the paper and include in your reference page. The reference page (and title page, if you choose to create one), will NOT be included in the 4-pages.


The topic for the midterm is the same as the final paper. You will utilize the thesis and outline activities to help you build this essay. This will work as a “draft” for the final paper, but you will treat this as a regular essay assignment. It should have a workable and solid thesis, a body, a conclusion, and a reference page.


You will be required to have at least two scholarly or academic sources. You will NOT utilize regular websites that are not academic sources or peer reviewed.


That being said, you have access to a plethora of articles as part of being a student at PSI, the LIRN Network. Login credentials are below.


A note about AI and plagiarism: EVERY paper goes through an AI checker. If your paper gets flagged for AI by the system, you will receive a 0 on the assignment and we will take the necessary steps as set up through PSI’s policies. Please review the Academic Misconduct policy on the syllabus if you need to review the policy.


ANY program that generates text for you is considered use of AI and is plagiarism. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS and NO SECOND CHANCES for resubmission. If you are unsure about a program, please let me know, but otherwise, no student should be using ANY program to assist them in writing. This is a very serious offense.


You MUST properly cite your sources or cite any information taken from a different source that is not your own. Refer back to Week 3 for additional help on reference pages and intext citations. Please reach out for additional help.


LIRN Network Login


Website: https://proxy.lirn.net/ProSkillsInstLinks to an external site.


Username: 84244 Password: brownpanda74


instructions on essay