3CO02 Principles of analytics

Learner Assessment Brief

Assessment ID /

Level 3
Foundation Certificate in
People Practice


Please write clearly in block capitals.
Centre number:  8 7 5
Centre name:
Learner number (1st 7 digits of CIPD Membership number):  8  7 2 4 9 8 67
Learner other names:
Unit code: 3CO02
Unit title: Principles of analytics
First resubmission date for centre marking – if applicable
Second resubmission date for centre marking – if applicable
Declared word count 1900
Assessor name (1st Submission)
Assessor electronic signature:


Assessor name (2nd Submission)
Assessor electronic signature:


Assessor name (3rd Submission)
Assessor electronic signature:


IQA name (if applicable):
IQA signature (if applicable):


Principles of analytics

CIPD’s insight

Evidence-Based practice for effective decision making (April 2022).


People analytics – understand what people analytics is, why it is important and how it is used (May 2021)




Please note that the purpose of this insight is to link you to CIPD’s research and evidence within the subject area, so that you can engage with the latest thinking.  It is not provided to replace the study required as part of the learning or as formative assessment material.

Preparation for the Tasks:

  • At the start of your assignment, you are encouraged to plan your assessment work with your Assessor and where appropriate agree milestones so that they can help you monitor your progress.
  • Refer to the indicative content in the unit to guide and support your evidence.
  • Pay attention to how your evidence is presented, remember you are working in the People Practice Team.
  • Ensure that the evidence generated for this assessment remains your own work.

You will also benefit from:

  • Completing and acting on formative feedback from your Assessor.
  • Reflecting on your own experiences of learning opportunities and continuous professional development.






Your evidence must consist of:


Guidance paper

  • Section 1. – 1500 words
  • Refer to CIPD word count policy
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: At Foundation Level you must provide a reference where you have

drawn from a secondary source; Harvard referencing is preferable

  • Upload the completed Learner Assessment brief, with both tasks completed, through the

Assignments option in the Oakwood Learner HUB



Task – Guidance paper

Your manager wants to reinforce to the People Practice team the importance of how evidence-based practice and analytics is applied in the department to inform sound and justified decision-making. She has asked you to prepare a guidance paper for the team that comprises two sections:


 Section One

For section one, the guidance paper needs to:

  • Explain what evidenced-based practice is and how it might be applied within an organisation. It should also identify how different types of evidence-based practice can be used to inform principle-led judgements and outcomes for an organisation (AC 1.1).


  • Explain the importance of using data in organisations and why there is the need to ensure that data is accurate when determining problems and issues (AC 1.2).


  • Explain the different types of quantitative and qualitative data measurements that people professionals use (AC 1.3).


  • Explain how the application of agreed policies and procedures inform decisions (AC 1.6).


  • Explain how people professionals create value for people, organisations and wider stakeholders. (AC 2.1).


  • Summarise the ways in which you can be customer-focused, and standards-driven in your own context (AC 2.2).



Section One


Explain what evidenced-based practice is and how it is applied within an organisation. (AC1.1) If you use secondary sources you should include your short references in the narrative here. Wordcount: Approximately 300 words.



Explain the importance of using data in organisations. (AC1.2) If you use secondary sources you should include your short references in the narrative here. Wordcount: Approximately 250 words.


Explain different types of data measurements that people professionals use. (AC1.3) If you use secondary sources you should include your short references in the narrative here. Wordcount: Approximately 250 words.


Explain how the application of agreed policies and procedures informs decisions. (AC1.6) If you use secondary sources you should include your short references in the narrative here. Wordcount: Approximately 250 words.


Explain how people professionals create value for people, organisations and wider stakeholders. (AC2.1) If you use secondary sources you should include your short references in the narrative here.  Wordcount: Approximately 250 words.


Summarise ways in which you can be customer-focused and standards-driven in your own context. (AC2.2)

If you use secondary sources you should include your short references in the narrative here. Wordcount: Approximately 200 words.




Section Two

For section two, she would like you to provide a practical working example of how the People Practice team examines, interprets and presents the findings of data in different diagrammatical formats.

The table below shows the age distribution of employees for six departments.


Age Age Age Age Age Age Age


  • For department’s C and D, present each age range as a percentage of the total in each department (AC 1.4).


  • Present your findings using two different diagrammatic forms so it can be easily understood by end users and from analysis of the findings, comment on any issues that might be revealed in the data and recommend potential solutions (AC 1.5).


[Grab your reader’s attention with a great quote from the document or use this space to emphasize a key point. To place this text box anywhere on the page, just drag it.]

Your evidence must consist of:


Guidance paper

  • Section 2. – 500 words
  • Refer to CIPD word count policy
  • IMPORTANT NOTE: At Foundation Level you must provide a reference where you have

drawn from a secondary source; Harvard referencing is preferable

  • Upload the completed Learner Assessment brief, with both tasks completed, through the

Assignments option in the Oakwood Learner HUB

Section Two

Conduct common calculations to interpret data. (AC1.4) Wordcount: Approximately 200 words.


Present findings in different formats to enable informed decision making. (AC1.5) Wordcount: Approximately 300 words.



Please provide your full long reference list here if you have used secondary sources. The Harvard method is preferable.


Assessment Criteria Evidence Checklist

You may find the following checklist helpful to make sure that you have included the required evidence to meet the task. This is not a mandatory requirement as long as it is clear in your submission where the assessment criteria have been met.


Task – Guidance paper – Section 1

Assessment criteria

Evidence reference
1.1 Explain what evidenced-based practice is and how it is applied within an organisation. Y
1.2 Explain the importance of using data in organisations. Y


Explain different types of data measurements that people professionals use. Y
1.6 Explain how the application of agreed policies and procedures informs decisions. Y
2.1 Explain how people professionals create value for people, organisations and wider stakeholders. Y
2.2 Summarise ways in which you can be customer-focused, and standards-driven in your own context. Y


Task – Guidance paper – Section 2

Assessment criteria

Evidence reference
1.4 Conduct common calculations to interpret data. Y
1.5 Present findings in different formats to enable informed decision making. Y


Declaration of Authentication


Declaration by learner


I can confirm that this assessment is all my own work and where I have used materials from other sources, they have been properly acknowledged.  
Learner name: Shaikhah Ali Saeed Alyammahi
Learner signature:

We cannot accept a typed or e-signature. You need to scan or photograph your handwritten signature and inset the image here

Submission Date 1: 16 May 2023


Submission Date 2:


Submission Date 3:



Declaration by Assessor


I confirm that I am satisfied that to the best of my knowledge, the work produced is solely that of the learner.


1st submission Assessor name:
Assessor signature:  


2nd submission Assessor name:
Assessor signature:  


3rd submission Assessor name:
Assessor signature:







Principles of analytics


Assessment Criteria marking descriptors.

Assessors will mark in line with the following assessment criteria (AC) marking descriptors, and will indicate where the learner sits within the marking band range for each AC.

The grid below shows the range for each unit assessment result based on total number of marks awarded across all assessment criteria.


To pass the unit assessment learners must achieve a 2 (Low Pass) or above for each of the assessment criteria.


The overall result achieved will dictate the outcome the learner receives for the unit, provided NONE of the assessment criteria have been failed or referred.

Please note that learners will receive a Pass or Fail result from the CIPD at unit level. Referral grades can be used internally by the centre.


Overall mark Unit result
0 to 15 Fail
16 to 20 Low Pass
21 to 25 Pass
26 to 32 High Pass


Marking Descriptors

Mark Range Descriptor
1  Fail Insufficient demonstration of knowledge, understanding or skills (as appropriate) required to meet the AC.

Insufficient examples included, where required, to support answers.

Presentation and structure of assignment is not appropriate and does not meet the assessment brief.

2 Low Pass Demonstrates an acceptable level of knowledge, understanding or skills (as appropriate) required to meet the AC.

Sufficient and acceptable examples included, where required, to support answers.

Required format adopted but some improvement required to the structure and presentation of the assignment.

Answers are acceptable but could be clearer in responding to the task and presented in a more coherent way.

3 Pass


Demonstrates good knowledge, understanding or skills (as appropriate) required to meet the AC.

Includes confident use of examples, where required, to support each answer.

Presentation and structure of assignment is appropriate for the assessment brief.

Answers are clear and well expressed.

4 High Pass Demonstrates a wide range and confident level of knowledge, understanding or skill (as appropriate).

Includes strong examples that illustrate the point being made, that link and support the answer well.

Answers are applied to the case organisation or an alternative organisation.

Answers are clear, concise and well argued, directly respond to what has been asked.

The presentation of the assignment is well structured, coherent and focusses on the need of the questions.

Includes clear evidence of the use of references to wider reading to help inform answer.



Marking grid and feedback for learner

Unit 3CO02: Assessor Feedback to Learner


Centre number
Centre name Oakwood International
Learner number (1st 7 digits of CIPD Membership number) Please enter the learner number here. Must be 1st 7 digits of CIPD membership number
Learner surname Please enter learner surname here
Learner other names Please enter learner other names here e.g., first name and middle name(s)




AC Number Assessment Criteria Date Markers Initials Mark


1.1 Explain what evidenced-based practice is and how it is applied within an organisation.      
Please enter your Assessor feedback here


    Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable)


    Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable)


    Enter mark here
1.2 Explain the importance of using data in organisations.      
Please enter your Assessor feedback here



    Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable)


    Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable)


    Enter mark here
1.3 Explain different types of data measurements that people professionals use.      
Please enter your Assessor feedback here



    Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable)


    Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable)


    Enter mark here
1.6 Explain how the application of agreed policies and procedures informs decisions.      
Please enter your Assessor feedback here



    Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable)


    Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable)


    Enter mark here



Explain how people professionals create value for people, organisations and wider stakeholders.      
Please enter your Assessor feedback here


    Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable)


    Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable)


    Enter mark here
2.2 Summarise ways in which you can be customer-focused, and standards-driven in your own setting.      
Please enter your Assessor feedback here


    Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable)


    Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable)


    Enter mark here
Total marks for SECTION 1


    Enter total marks here
Total marks for SECTION 1 (resubmission 1 if applicable)


    Enter total marks here
Total marks for SECTION 1 (resubmission 2 if applicable)     Enter total marks here





AC Number Assessment Criteria Date Markers Initials Mark


1.4 Conduct common calculations to interpret data.      
Please enter your Assessor feedback here


    Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable)


    Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable)


    Enter mark here
1.5 Present findings in different formats to enable informed decision making.      
Please enter your Assessor feedback here



    Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable)


    Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable)


    Enter mark here
Total marks for SECTION 2


    Enter total marks here
Total marks for SECTION 2 (resubmission 1 if applicable)


    Enter total marks here
Total marks for SECTION 2 (resubmission 2 if applicable)     Enter total marks here


Total marks for UNIT


Enter total unit marks here Grade Enter grade here
Total marks for UNIT (resubmission 1 if applicable)


Enter total unit marks here Grade (resubmission 1 if applicable) Enter grade here
Total marks for UNIT (resubmission 2 if applicable)


Enter total unit marks here Grade (resubmission 2 if applicable) Enter grade here
Assessor Feedback Summary


Please enter your summary and developmental points for the learner here. Please use a different font colour for any resubmission comments.



Assessor signature Please enter your Assessor signature here


Date Please enter date here