Crime Scene Investigation

Narrative Descriptions Exercise:

– Choose images of a crime scene from wherever you like.  It can be the exterior of a building, interior of a building, an actual crime scene photo, a created crime scene from your house or outside somewhere, anything you want.  

– Create a word document and paste 2 images (only 2 please) into the document so I know what you are describing.   

– Create your narrative in the same word document describing what you observe in the scene.

– You must utilize the below headers for the sections and make sure you describe each accurately an in detail.  

– You must also choose at least one object/item within the photo and utilize the 8 step descriptive set to describe it (also provided as headers below).

Characteristics of the Scene

Delete my notes here for your response, this information is to guide you but should not appear in your submission:

Characteristics of the Scene: A description of the general features of the scene such as the building or room layout, furniture, doors and windows.  These are static and stable conditions. They do not change if you go back to the scene.

Example:  Apartment 3A is located in a 4-plex brick apartment building. The apartment is located on the NW corner and consists of two bedrooms, one bath, a living room and a kitchen.  There is a single door entering the living room from the N…

Conditions of the Scene

Delete my notes here for your response, this information is to guide you but should not appear in your submission:

Conditions of the Scene: A description of the specific conditions and aspects of the scene as found (e.g. cleanliness, disarray) and a detailed description of all items of evidence.  

 Example: There is a white male, approx.  20-25 years old, laying in a prone position in the center of the living room. His right hand is extended up and toward the NW, palm down. His left hand is beneath his body ….

Environmental Conditions

Delete my notes here for your response, this information is to guide you but should not appear in your submission:

A description of the general weather conditions and any scene specific conditions noted.

 Example: At the time of the examination the exterior temperature was noted at 52 degrees.  The apartment thermostat was set at 88 degrees and the interior conditions were dry and hot.  A light rain was falling on arrival….

Factors Pertinent to Exit and Entry

Factors Pertinent to Entry and Exit: A description of the condition of doors, windows or other entry points.  This may require some level of inference on the part of the investigator.

Example: There is a single entry door to the apartment. The locking mechanism was a standard dead bolt, showing no evidence of prior damage. The door was locked ….

Use the 8-step descriptive set below to describe one object in the scene

1. Quantity

2. Item

3. Color

4. Type of construction

5. Approximate size

6. Identifying features

7. Condition

8. Location

Just incorporate the above into your conditions of the scene by describing the one object.  See an example of 100 Point Submission.