D 3


Assume you are the manager of a department in an organization. Select two (2) of the theories you learned about this week that you believe will be most useful in managing your staff.   

Content Theory


Process Theory

Address the following:

  • —-Assess why you find the two theories you selected most practical or helpful.
  • —-Evaluate how the two theories might interact with each other.
  • —-Analyze whether you anticipate needing different motivational methods applying your selected theories according to the ages, races, national origins, cultures, genders, and educational backgrounds of your subordinates. Provide appropriate citations to support your conclusions.
  • —–Justify three best practices that emerge from your selected theories (three best practices total. You do not need three best practices for each theory).

 The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response. 

Your posting should be the equivalent of 1- to 2- single-spaced pages (500–1000 words).  

APA format