Discuss Ineffective Classroom Discipline You Might Have Experience From The Past. Why Was It Ineffective- What Could Have You Done Differently


After learning about classroom management last week, you should have gathered that classroom discipline plays a large role in creating a positive and managed learning environment. There are three main categories of discipline: low-control (also known as The Guiding Model), medium-control (also known as the Interacting Model), and high-control (also known as the Intervening Model).

The low teacher control model/guiding model is characterized by empowering students to manage their own behaviors while the teacher takes a backseat. Teachers who utilize this model focus on being caring and supportive listeners in order to help students make their own decisions. This model is a good choice for teachers who believe in the importance of student independence and a humanistic approach.

Here are some of the major theorists/models of low control discipline:

  • Haim Grinott/Congruent Communication
  • Thomas Gordon/Teacher Effectiveness Training
  • Jim Fay & David Funk/Teaching with Love and Logic
  • Barbara Coloroso/Inner Discipline
  • Alfie Kohn/From Discipline to Community

 The medium teacher control model/interacting model is rooted in the belief that there is a shared responsibility (between student and teacher) for student behavior and that discipline should be an avenue for students’ self-improvement. Teachers who utilize this model use contracts and counseling in order to provide a middle ground of control between students and the teacher. This model is a good choice for teachers who believe in the importance of problem-solving and developmental psychology.

Here are some of the major theorists/models of medium control discipline:

  • Rudolf Dreikurs/Logical Consequences
  • Linda Albert/Cooperative Discipline
  • Jane Nelsen/Positive Classroom Discipline
  • William Glasser/Control Theory
  • Richard Curwin, Allen Mendler, & Brian Mendler/Discipline with Dignity
  • Spencer Kagan/Win-Win Discipline

The high teacher control model/intervening model is rooted in the belief that students need teacher assistance in order to grow and improve. Teachers who utilize this model use rules, rewards, and consequences model in order to have the most control possible over the classroom environment. This model is a good choice for teachers who believe in the importance of behaviorism and behavior modification.

Here are some of the major theorists/models of high control discipline:

  • B.F. Skinner/Behavior Modification
  • Lee Canter & Marlene Canter/Assertive Discipline
  • Frederic Jones/Positive Discipline
  • Marvin Marshall/Discipline without Stress

As a teacher, you must consider all aspects of the theories, and your own personality in order to develop a discipline plan/model that works for you. When you choose a model of discipline, you are choosing a method for controlling your classroom and dealing with student behavior. You may stick to one model or decide to pick and choose from multiple theories. Your choice of discipline model will have a lot to do with how much control you want to have over your students and what your student behavior goals are. Regardless of the one you choose, following a discipline model provides stability and coherence for students.