Discussion Board

  • Read the case study “Deepwater Horizon Blowout: Rehabilitating a Catastrophic Spill” (page 231) in your textbook and watch supporting videos.
  • Answer the following questions. Please provide a rationale to support your answers.
    1. How do you feel the oil spill impacted BP’s corporate reputation and image?
    2. What specific aspects of its corporate reputation/image were affected?
    3. Why do think BP decided to appoint its CEO as the spokesperson for the organization during the oil spill crisis? What rationale would you provide for this decision?
    4. From your perspective, should CEOs function as spokespeople for organizations or should other entities assume this role?
    5. Are there any specific situations that would demand a CEO functioning as the spokesperson for an organization?
    6. What kind of public relations/communication training would you have provided to the CEO of the organization in order to deal with this issue?