Q1. Subject – Operational Planning and Policy

The mode of entry a company chooses to enter international markets depends on a variety of factors including the nature of the company’s strategic objectives. Select a well-known company that competes in the international markets.

What was the company’s mode of entry?

What was the entry designed to achieve?

Finally identify two advantages and two disadvantages to the entry mode chosen by the company.

Incorporate our coursework (Thompson text and other material) from this week into your above responses.

Note: 250 words with intext citations and 2 references must.

Q2. Subject – Management of Information Security

Using a Web search engine, visit one of the popular disaster recovery/ business continuity

sites, such as www.disasterrecoveryworld.com, www.drj.com, www.drie.org, www.drii.org, or

csrc.nist.gov. Search for the terms hot site, warm site, and cold site. Do the provided

descriptions match those of this chapter? Why or why not?

Note: 250 words with intext citations and 2 references must.