Evaluating And Locating Evidence-Based Strategies


As you have read in the Instructor Guidance for this week, evidence-based strategies (EBP) strategies are essential to effective instruction in special education. In this discussion, you will explore EBP strategies in your area of focus and share information with Mr. Franklin.

08/03/2021 – UAGC Graduate


Instructor GuidanceWeek 3

Welcome to Week 3 of ESE 668: Evidence-Based Instructional Methods for Students with Mild to Moderate Disabilities. Please be sure to review the Week 3 homepage for this course to see:

  • The specific learning outcomes for the week.
  • The schedule overview.
  • The required and recommended resources.
  • The introduction to the week.
  • A listing of the assessments.

Next, be sure to read this entire Instructor Guidance page.


Our previous Weeks 1 and 2 examined the way in which evidence-based assessment in academic skills, strengths and needs, and cultural influences provide a clear picture of where a student is functioning and what goals and skills need to be targeted for instruction. This week you will begin evaluating how to identify EBP strategies, as well as sources for locating EBP strategies for instruction.

Intellectual Elaboration

Selecting Instructional Strategies: Determining What Works

The next step in our cycle of assessment-driven instruction is the selection of EBP strategies for instruction. In your reading and resources this week, you will find the parameters under which we use to consider a strategy “evidence-based”. Please be sure to review all these resources to explore the best practice guidelines of the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), as well as other in the field, for determining what makes an instructional practice strategy EBP.

Killian has summarized a body of research to share some of the characteristics a strategy should contain to be considered EBP in this online article and chart (n.d.) (Links to an external site.)

Locating Evidence-Based Practice Strategies

So now that we have clearer picture of what we are looking for in EBP instructional strategies, you might be asking yourself:

Where do I find EBP strategies for instructional methods?

The first place to look is the What Works Clearninghouse (Links to an external site.) developed by the Institute of Education Sciences and provided through the U.S. Department of Education. You will have a chance to explore the WWC in detail this week for your discussions and assignment this week. The WWC could be a source to either find a strategy for a skill you want to teach or determine if a strategy you are using is EBP.

If you have a strategy that you have learned about or are already using, but you are not sure whether it is EBP, use the resources you have learned and the guidelines set forth by either the CEC or the WWC to determine whether the strategy meets the criteria.

You might also select to research strategies that have been found effective and EBP for students that have specific disabilities. Here are some recommended examples:

Closing Remarks

It is especially important to plan for using EBP interventions, not only for legal requirements, but also because this is our best practice implementation for student success. Knowing how to identify what qualifies as EBP and knowing where to locate these strategies is an essential skill. Educators should be using what works for students, and identifying EBP strategies is a way to efficiently and effectively provide students with education to meet their needs and optimize successful outcomes.

Assessment Guidance

This section includes additional specific assistance for excelling in the discussions and assignment for Week 3 beyond what is given with the instructions for the assessments. If you have questions about what is expected on any assessment for Week 3, contact your instructor using the Ask Your Instructor discussion before the due date.

Discussion 1: Evaluating & Locating Evidence-Based Strategies

In your discussion this week, you will explore a resource for locating evidence-based instructional strategies. You will explore the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) and then identify and summarize an instructional strategy that could be used in the classroom.   

Assignment: Including Evidence-Based Strategies and Supports in IEP Development

The assignment this week assesses your ability to summarize and interpret EBP strategies in special education. Specifically, you will describe the importance of EBP and identify specific strategies, reflecting on their use in special education.

Initial Post: Post an initial response that addresses the following areas using the discussion board forum:

Access the What Works Clearinghouse (Links to an external site.) to find “What Works Based on the Evidence?” Explore the sources available to familiarize yourself with the site. Then, navigate to topics that work for children and youth with disabilities. You may select specific grade levels at this point and/or add parameters or filters for specific content areas (e.g., behavior, literacy, etc.). Select one EBP strategy listed to review and construct a summary for Mr. Franklin that could be used with one or more of the students in his classroom. Include the strategy, list the content areas you searched to find it, and provide two details as to why it is considered EBP.