Incentive Programs – Paper

 For your final Portfolio Project, consider this scenario:

You have recently successfully completed an undergraduate course in healthcare finance. You have just accepted a job offer at a local pediatric hospital as the senior department accountant. The hospital is in a rural and underserved area, with a high population of indigent community. Your boss, the CFO, would like a comprehensive analysis of the current financial status of the hospital. He gives you two months to gather and analyze required data and present this to him in a report.

He requires the report cover three main aspects:

  • Review of Financial Health of the pediatric hospital.
  • Review of the value you’d add to the pediatric hospital as a newly hired senior accountant.
  • Review of possible sources of funding from the government, that would boost hospital revenue and further health equity.

A detailed delineation of the required aspects follows:

Review of Financial Health of The Pediatric Hospital

  • Identification of ratios to determine the profitability, liquidity, capital structure, and asset efficiency.
  • Determination of Profitability:
    • Identify a ratio that would communicate organization profitability.
    • Present a formula that would be used to arrive at the ratio identified.
    • Meaning of ratio.
  • Determination of Liquidity:
    • Identify a ratio that would communicate organization liquidity.
    • Present a formula that would be used to arrive at the ratio identified.
    • Discuss meaning of ratio.
  • Determination of Capital Structure:
    • Identify a ratio that would indicate the capital structure of an organization.
    • Present a formula that would be used to arrive at the ratio identified.
    • Discuss meaning of ratio.
  • Determination of Asset Efficiency:
    • Identify a ratio that would indicate efficiency of organization assets.
    • Present a formula that would be used to arrive at  the ratio identified.
    • Discuss meaning of ratio.

Review of the Value You’d Add to the Pediatric Hospital as a Newly Hired Senior Accountant

  • A discussion of your role as the senior accountant in the RCM process of the hospital.
  • A discussion of your role as the senior accountant in Fraud and Abuse prevention at the hospital.

Review of Possible Sources of Funding from The Government to Further Health Equity and Boost Hospital Revenue

  • A discussion of government incentives that could be considered given the attributes and characteristics of the hospital.


  • Submit an eight- to ten-page paper (not including the required title and references pages).
  • Format the paper according to the APA standards in CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Include a minimum of three to four credible, academic, or professional references beyond the text or other course materials.
  • Be sure to discuss and cite reference concepts taken from the assigned textbook reading and relevant research.
  • Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.
  • Reach out to your instructor earlier rather than later if you are having difficulties.