Fundamentals Of Occupational Safety And Health

Most people have experienced a time at work when they were made to feel uncomfortable in some way. Looking back at an experience like this that you have had and taking what you have learned from this course, how might you have approached or reacted to the situation differently? Do you feel you are now more equipped to mitigate or respond to a similar situation if it were to present itself again? Why, or why not?


I mainly feel uncomfortable at work when issues arise that I am uninformed about. The knowledge that I gained in this class on the General Duty Clause, OSHA 300 log and other topics has given me ammunition to have intelligent input when we get into safety discussions on incidents and other safety related topics. It has made me more aware of key issues and details in OSHA reporting guidelines. Last and not least the writing assignments have made my writing skills and APA formatting to improve by repetition. Overall this class has improved my ability to mitigate safety hazards in an informed manor taking into consideration all outside factors.