Homicide Investigations


Your supervisor has asked you to create a training on homicide investigations for your coworkers. This training will be in two parts.

Part 1: Classification of Homicides

On one page, create a table to be a job aid comparing the different types of homicides. Your table should look something like this:

Classification of HomicidesDefinitionExampleCriminal (Felonious)  Murder (First, Second, or Third Degree)  Manslaughter (Voluntary or Involuntary)  Noncriminal (Non-Felonious)  Excusable Homicide  Justifiable Homicide  

Part 2: Case Analysis

In the second part of your training, you will analyze a closed homicide case in your community or as close to your community as possible. You should have selected a case from Nexis Uni in the Assignment Preparation activity last week. If you have not completed that activity, go back and complete it before continuing with this assignment.

In 3–4 pages, summarize the investigation into your selected case. Your analysis should:

  • Describe the circumstances surrounding the case.
  • Summarize the key factors that may have been used to classify the type of death and the finding.
    • Analyze the ways that various environmental factors may have influenced the medical examination and autopsy in this investigation.
  • Identify the forensic methods that were reported in the investigation and their findings.
    • This may include methods like DNA, toxicology, hair and fiber evidence, fingerprints, or any other methods which contributed to the investigation. 
  • Recommend one way that the investigators or forensic team could have strengthened their case based on your understanding of it.
  • Cite three references.
    • One of your references will be the case record that you found from Nexis Uni.
    • Other references may be news articles that pertain to the case, and other court cases or rules that are referenced in the case.
  • Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

  • Determine the procedures for conducting a preliminary death investigation.