HS415 Environmental Health


Course Outcomes

HS415-5: Integrate environmental laws and regulations that positively impact population health.


Case studies provide valuable information regarding solutions to issues that might work in other communities facing the same problems. In the field of public health, we call this evidence-based practice.

Imagine you are part of an advocacy group in your community that is addressing a specific environmental health issue, such as air pollution, childhood obesity, violence and injury, etc. Using a case study from the Unit 8 Case Studies folder in the Course Documents, create a community newsletter that includes the following: 

  1. A brief summary of the environmental health problem that your advocacy group is attempting to address. Include evidence of why this is an issue in your community (statistics, research by local governmental and/or non-governmental agencies, information from news outlets, etc.).
  2. Describe the solution used in the case study you chose (implementation of new laws, regulations, policy and/or programs that could help address your chosen community health problem).
  3. Integrate the solution in the case study into a new law, regulation, policy and/or program that would address the problem in your community.
  4. Discuss why the evidence-based solution you chose is right for your community.


The newsletter needs to include at least three (3) references, which may include the assigned reading material for Unit 8. 

Submitting your Assignment

Your newsletter must be submitted in a Microsoft® Word® file. Save the newsletter with the proper naming convention, using the last name listed in the grade book: lastname_HS415_Unit8.docx

Submit your file to the Unit 8 Assignment 1 Dropbox.

To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Grades tab after your instructor has evaluated it. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted newsletter.