I Need Help With My Assignment


For the first part of the final project in this course, you will create a short academic mission statement and three short-term goals to support yourself in accomplishing your mission. Refer to the Final Project I Guidelines and Rubric to complete this assignment. This assignment will require you to spend about one to two hours drafting your mission statement and goals BEFORE completing this template. Make sure that you have planned accordingly and have reviewed the assignment details. Use the General Questions discussion if you have any questions on how to complete this assignment. For additional support saving and uploading this template, watch the Using a Template video

Mission Statement 

(Click on the topic to read the instructions for this section.)

Here is an example of a mission statement:

My academic mission is to successfully complete a bachelor’s degree in business administration by June 2020. I hope to use the entrepreneurial and management skills developed in my degree to open my own business in the online retail market. Through my business, I hope to provide goods and services to the public while maintaining a profitable living so that I can spend more time with my family and support my children’s future education.

Write Your Academic Mission Statement Below: 

My ac

Academic Goals 

(Click on the topic to read the instructions for this section.)

The What Are SMART Goals website is a resource you can reference for more information about writing a measurable goal. Your goals should be written as full sentences, and they must include evidence that they can be measured, a proposed date for completion, and a description of how the goals relate to your mission statement.

Here is an example of a strong SMART goal:

My goal is to submit all work on time or before the due date for my first two terms by meeting with my advisor weekly and mapping out the assignments and deadlines for all my classwork. I will know I have succeeded in achieving my goal by submitting all my work on time or early. This relates to my mission statement because I must successfully complete my assignments in order to pass my classes and obtain my degree. 

Here is an example of a weak goal:

I will submit my work on time. 

Write your three goals below: 

Short-Term Goal 1: 

Short-Term Goal 2: 

Short-Term Goal 3: