Illustration Essay – 500 Words


In short, an illustration essay will use clear, interesting examples to show, explain, and 


support a thesis statement (remember, your thesis is your main argument, or the main 


point you’re trying to make). One key to an effective illustration essay is to use enough 


details and specific examples to make your point effectively. In other words, descriptive 


writing is key. 


will help you understand more about evaluating sources. Failure to use and cite at least one credible source will result in a point deduction from your grade. Properly cite your source(s) in MLA format and include a Works Cited page (this resource from the course will help). Review the rubric for this essay to get an idea of how your work will be assessed. 

As with all college writing, your essay should have a strong thesis statement in addition to an introduction, body, and conclusion. 

Thesis hints: Here are some general and specific examples of how you might think about your thesis for this assignment: 

If you are illustrating qualities that make up something:
In order for a friend to be considered a true friend, he or she must be (characteristic 1), (characteristic 2), and (characteristic 3).
If you are illustrating a recipe:
(Add a range of ingredients), (add major utensils needed), and (add time necessary) are all that are required to make (add dish). 

If you are illustrating qualities that make up something:
In order for a friend to be considered a true friend, he or she must be loyal, honest, and trustworthy. OR
If you are illustrating a recipe:
Fresh produce, mixing utensils, and about a half an hour are all you need to create excellent guacamole. 

The guidelines for this assignment are as follows: Length: This assignment should be at least 500 words. 

Header: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of your writing assignment with the following information: 

  • ï‚·  Your first and last name
  • ï‚·  Course Title (Composition II)
  • ï‚·  Assignment name (Illustration Essay)
  • ï‚·  Current Date
  • ï‚·  MLA-style source documentation and Works Cited2
  • ï‚·  Your last name and page number in the upper-right corner of each page
    2 This resource may be helpful as you are making MLA formatting decisions:


  • ï‚·  Double-spacing throughout
  • ï‚·  Standard font (TimesNewRoman, Calibri)
  • ï‚·  Title, centered after heading
  • ï‚·  1” margins on all sides
  • ï‚·  Save the file using one of the following extensions: .docx, .doc, .rtf, or .txt
    Underline your thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.