Microeconomics Discussion Reply To Peer


Philip Salter


Toll roads are a very convenient way to go “express” and avoid the headaches of in town commuting but there is usually a direct cost to be dealt with called a toll. These alternative pathways have become common in most highly traveled areas. A great example of streamlined traveling is the Pennsylvania Turnpike, no stop signs, no speed limits, at first.   In 1940 this roadway was opened and has been used as a model in building these super highways ever since. Originally the toll was supposed to be charged for about a decade just to pay for the work but money has been collected ever since. A current study claims that to travel this road in its entirety you would pay about $112.00 in tolls (DiMattia 3, 2021).

It just so happens that this roadway is the most expensive toll road in the world which might make it EXCLUDABLE for some, for that reason. The terrain in the Allegheny mountains is formidable so most people just have to accept the cost which increases on a regular basis. Currently the turnpike commission is about 10 billion dollars in debt and money is being allocated to the department of transpotation for other projects (Klibanoff 10, 2015). 

The ECONOMIC PROFIT where the tolls recieved vs the cost to maintain have always been questioned. The commission has always been under scrutiny for what many believe is corruption and misuse of these funds recieved through tolls.  This turnpike can become almost fully automated which has replaced about 500 toll booth agents. The EZ pass travelers have it better than those who have their plate photographed.so the latter case is paying a much higher amount due to billing and collection costs (DiMattia 3, 2021).

There are as many alternatives to charging a toll point blank, as you might imagine. State sales taxes and fuel tax hikes are one way. One state showed their guile by sneaking in funds from the cigarette taxes. In my opinion, the

money for new roads and maintinence could come in any form but we will pay by toll for the convenience, or pay through our taxes. 

Word count: 351


Highway history: How the Pennsylvania Turnpike created and destroyed towns. (Klibanoff, Eleanor Oct, 2015).

https:// whyy.org/articles/highway-history-how-the-pennsylvania-turnpike-created-and-destroyed-towns/

Not so surprisingly PA turnpike comes in as the nost expensive toll road in the world, study finds. (DiMattia, Mar, 2021)
