MKF2111 Practical Application Part 2

Research indicates that wearing a mask is one of the most effective measures of containing the spread of the Corona virus ( Yet, in many countries around the world, certain parts of the population have resisted the call to wear a mask. 

Assume that you work for an international advertising agency. The health authorities in one European country have commissioned you to design a campaign to change peoples’ attitudes towards wearing masks. Completing this task will require you to draw on the Theory or Reasoned Action (TORA) to develop a marketing campaign to increase mask wearing among the general population. Which components of the TORA model would you focus on to achieve the desired change in people’s behaviour? 

1a. Construct a diagram that clearly outlines the elements of the TORA model that are applicable to this situation. You can use boxes and arrows (click “insert” tab in word, and then select “shapes”). Justify briefly why you have selected these elements. (5%) 

1b. Explain in your own words how attitudes can influence the target behaviour (wearing a mask). Identify ONE component of attitudes (according to TORA) that would you like to change with your campaign. Explain briefly how you would go about changing this attitude component. Use examples to illustrate your answer. (15%) 

1c. Explain how subjective norms influence the target behaviour (wearing a mask). Identify ONE component of subjective norms (according to TORA) that would you like to change. Explain briefly how you would go about changing this norms component. Use examples to illustrate your answer. (15%) 

2a. Imagine the following scenario: You are in a supermarket, shopping for pasta sauce. There are several brands of pasta sauce on the shelf. Provide one example of how you may use the availability heuristic to decide which brand of pasta sauce to purchase. (10%) 

2b. Imagine the following scenario: You are shopping for a laptop. You have narrowed your choice down to 4 options (laptop A, laptop B, laptop C, and laptop D). Assume that there are 5 evaluation criteria that are important to you when choosing a laptop and that the 4 laptops differ in their performance along these 5 criteria.  Draw a table that represents the 5 criteria, their relative importance, and how well each of the 4 laptops performs along these 5 criteria. You can use the template table below: 

Evaluative criteria Laptop A Laptop B Laptop C Laptop D Importance Criteria 1 Criteria 2 Criteria 3 Criteria 4 Criteria 5 

To populate the table: 

– Replace the “criteria 1, 2, etc.” labels with your own criteria 

– Assign an importance weight to each of the criteria, according to your own needs, values, and goals. Each weight should be out of 100. The weights for the 5 criteria should add up to 100. 

– Assign ratings to each of the 4 laptop models (use a rating scale of 1 to 5) to indicate how each laptop performs along the 5 criteria. Once you have populated the table, indicate which laptop you would choose if you used the lexicographic decision model and why. Then, indicate which laptop you would choose if you were to use the compensatory decision model and why. (20%) 

ABC is a company that makes travel bags. The company has traditionally segmented the market by luggage type (e.g., duffle, trolley, backpack), material (hard side and soft side), and price range (low, medium, premium). However, research suggests that the company may benefit by segmenting the market for travel bags based on consumer psychographics such as values and lifestyle. 

Your task is to identify four distinct segments in the travel bag market – two segments based on consumer values and two segments based on consumer lifestyle – and describe the type of travel bags that the ABC company would sell to each of these segments. Specifically: 

 3a. Identify two (2) consumer values relevant for the travel bag market. Then describe two distinct market segments (one for each of the consumer values you have selected) that the travel bag company could target. Describe some of the key product attributes that customers in each of these two market segments are likely to seek. (15%) 

3b. Identify two (2) consumer lifestyles relevant for the travel bag market. Then describe two distinct market segments (one for each of the lifestyles) that the travel bag company could target. Describe some of the key product attributes that customers in each of these two market segments are likely to seek. (15%) 

Criterion Weighting 1a 5% 1b 15% 1c 15% 2a 10% 2b 20% 3a 15% 3b 15% Written expression and formatting 5% Total 100%