

This week we explore the broader topic of globalization within the context of political economy and international development. Here we encounter the worlds of international trade and finance as well as humanitarian aspects of economic development designed to help poorer, less competitive states. You will be asked to comment on whether such development economics has actually helped or harmed poorer nations. The same question could be asked of globalization for many nations rich or poor—has the rise of the post WWII international trade and finance regime begun by the US made all nations better off, or are the critics of this ‘global’ order correct about is shortcomings and weaknesses? Many nations seem to be pulling back from the degree of ‘interdependence’ and commitment they once had to the global trading order. You will want to have a good working definition of globalization and pay attention to both the fans and critics of this system to fully understand the variety of current state behavior and performance. Whenever possible, be sure to provide examples in supporting your arguments. 


In 5-7 double spaced pages in Turabian format, not including additional pages for title and references, answer the following 3 prompts below separately in a single document. You may write more pages if necessary. At least 7 sources must be used and may include the course text, Bible, and scholarly articles.  

  • Reasoning with clear ideas and examples from the sectors of International Trade and Finance, provide at least two main justifications for the usefulness of what is referred to as Globalization, and two of its main criticisms? Be sure to have a working definition of Globalization even if its meaning appears both highly elastic and normative. 
  • Reasoning with clear ideas and examples, provide at least two main justifications for International Economic Development as a legitimate component of Globalization, and two of its main criticisms? Have a working definition of International Development even if highly elastic and normative. Caution: The development meant here is not private economic development, but humanitarian development represented by the UN Human Development project, USAID, or other INGO efforts.  
  • Using biblical and extra-biblical sources to inform your own reasoning, does a consistent Christian worldview require definite support for or opposition to increasing global economic integration and humanitarian development, or is this support or opposition merely contingent upon specific ideas and behaviors? Be clear and coherent in your response.   

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via using a plagiarism tool.