Do you feel your school district does a good job networking with various partners throughout your community? If yes, explain why you feel the networking has been a benefit to all parties involved. If no, make multiple suggestions on how you would organize the networking efforts.

1) How would you organize the networking on a regional level?

2) How would you organize the networking on a state-wide level?

REPLY TO MY CLASSMATE’S POST. EXPLAINING WHY YOU AGREE WITH HIS POST TO THE ABOVE DISCUSSION (A MINIMUM OF 150 WORDS)                                                                 

                                                        CLASSMATE’S POST

Partnerships and networking for the local school-district throughout the community of Long Beach is important. School administrators have an obligation to demonstrate to their staffs that respect is earned through actions and behaviors. The overuse of terminology that is unknown to the public creates an image that the educator is unapproachable and unable to communicate effectively. Administrators networking to build support for the school and its programs benefits all parties. Relationships with all stakeholders allow for accurate information to be shared with teachers and parents with written consent. Increase parental and community involvement, participation, and attendance at school functions is needed for all parties to be involved in community partnerships and networking. It is important to inform all community members of the important roles that the school has in improving the overall community (Fiore, 2016).

Regularly communicating with the public in terms that are appropriate to the audience will have the opposite effect. The school leader at Woodrow Wilson High School have demonstrated the understanding by creating written communications that are free of jargon and appropriate to their intended audience through advertisements (Fiore,2016). Through advertising school administrators and community members are able to network and are able to organize on a regional level. I would organize networking on a regional level through community by showcasing the many educational endeavors that students and staff are engaged in at the school not only athletics. I would organize the networking on a state-wide level with first starting small with fundraising i.e. car washes, raffles, and basketball games.