Peer Response 3

 Your response to your classmates must be substantive. Share ideas, explore differences, and think critically about your classmates’ posts. Bring in information from your textbook, classroom resources or other credible sources that you find to contribute to the discussion. You are invited to share relevant audio, video, or images in your responses. You must cite and reference any sources you use, even in your responses to your classmates. 


 According to Encyclopedia Britannica, confirmation bias is the tendency to process information by looking for, or interpreting, information that is consistent with one’s existing beliefs (Casad, 2007).  Information bias is often unintentional and ignores inconsistent information. Often, we have a pre-determined idea or side with a particular politician, despite his or her shortcomings. Although the topic is controversial, the 2020 election was a great example of people believing much misinformation, despite the overwhelming evidence that contradicted their beliefs.

Researchers need to be aware of confirmation bias because research needs to be impartial and fair. Unfortunately, we see a lot of confirmation bias in the news nowadays. Fox News and CNN often report news from their perspective instead of being partial and fair. One side says information from a liberal stance while the other from a conservative point of view. The different points of view can lead to civil unrest, health issues, or even death. Researchers must be responsible with their research due to potential liabilities down the line. 

To reduce the effects of confirmation bias, you must allow yourself to be wrong. Often, new information can contradict one’s personal beliefs. Admitting that you are wrong will reduce the effects of confirmation bias (MasterClass, 2021).  Accepting further information that contradicts pre-determined beliefs is not an easy task. We must remain open to the fact that not everything we believe is right.

My research question is, “How will the evolution of computer technology shape the demanding needs of a working healthcare system”? One bias I have is that government claims that regulating technology for healthcare use is due to patient safety. However, I believe more of the government is interested in the money involved and “getting a piece of the pie”, per se. By doing proper research and finding information that contradicts my bias will help reduce its effects.

Learning about confirmation bias has contributed to my personal and academic goals. For example, one of the videos for this class talked about Alfred Dreyfus and how he was sent to jail because of the French Army’s own bias against Jewish people (Galef, 2016). Learning about this incident made me realize that I have often judged people based on pre-determined information. Therefore, applying new knowledge, even if it contradicts my pre-determined beliefs, will help me overcome this obstacle.

Casad, B. (2007), Confirmation Bias. Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)

Galef, J., (August 2016). Why you think you’re right – even if you’re wrong. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

MasterClass, (May 2021), What is Confirmation Bias. Retrieved from: