Political Party Essay

Political Party Paper

You need to create a political party.  Info on your party should include

​-your party’s name

-a good description of your own party’s platform (list of things they want to get done).  Your platform should include AT LEAST four agenda items

​​-a list of the people who would likely support your party.  Some examples are:



​​​-social class

​​​-education level (etc…you may use others that you find elsewhere)

-media outlets that would likely support your party (I want specific examples. Fox News is a media outlet.  You should include two media outlets and should also explain why they would likely support your party

-you need to identify if your party is mainstream (one that tons of people would support like the Republicans or Democrats) or extreme (one that only a select group of people will support – like the American Nazi Party)

-you have to pick a party mascot (example: Republicans are elephants and Democrats are donkeys) – feel free to be creative but don’t be gross

-you have to choose a presidential candidate and tell me why you chose them (your candidate CANNOT be you or a family member).  They can be real people, cartoon characters, or people on TV

-make up a party slogan (a catchy phrase that will attract people to your cause)

-write a short campaign speech from your presidential candidate trying to get people to vote for them (since that’s what political parties care about most)

This paper is designed to encourage creativity while working with what you know about political parties.  Your parties can be ‘fun’ and ‘nontraditional.’ I like creative party names and slogans.  They don’t have to be anything close to what we have.  Try to stay away from names like (Republicrat, Democan, etc).  I want you to THINK about this.  As long as your party is somehow applicable to American politics, game on!  Good luck and HAVE FUN WITH THIS!!

Paper needs to be 4-5 FUL double spaced pages (and that DOES NOT include any pictures/title pages/etc.).

Times New Roman, 12 point font, 1 inch margins.