UV Light – Discovery And Current Applications

Topic: UV light – discovery and current applications

Students must complete at least three page paper on a topic of their choice from the material covered in Lab.

It should…

  • include your name and a topic title.
  • be 3 pages, 12 pt font, double spaced.
  • must explain how topic is discovered, developed, and applied….not a restatement of the Lab Activity. (-10 for explaining the Lab Activity).
  • have references (with whatever format you are comfortable using)should be included at the end of your paper.

Please submit using one of the following formats (.doc .pdf or .txt)

Grading Criteria:

Lab Research Paper must…

  • be at least three pages. (-10 for shortness of submission).
  • have an additional page with references (use reference format you are familiar using) (-10 for no references).
  • …must explain how topic is discovered, developed, and applied….not a restatement of the Lab Activity. (-10 for explaining the Lab Activity).
  • be turned in on time. (- 10 points deducted per week for late submissions!!! )
  • Deductions may occur depending on the “Turnitin” (TII) report.

Your paper should be original work. Copying and pasting information from references or other material is not allowed and deductions could occur to your score.