Week 1 DF


  • Please read these two articles:
  • Using forensics against a fitbit device to solve a murder:  https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-fitbit-alibi-21st-century-technology-used-to-help-solve-wisconsin-moms-murder/
  • How Amazon Echo could be forensically analyzed! https://www.theverge.com/2017/1/6/14189384/amazon-echo-murder-evidence-surveillance-data
  • Then go around in your residence / dwelling (home, apartment, condo, etc) and be creative.
  •  Identify at least five appliances or devices that you THINK could be forensically analyzed and then identify how this might be useful in an investigation. Note – do not count your computer or mobile device. Those are obvious!
  • I expect at least one paragraph answer for each device.