What Policies Should Governments Prioritize To Increase Female Labor Force Participation

Write a 6 to 8 page paper, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12font size (not including graphs and charts) on an important policy question related to gender and the economy. 

The outline of the paper should be:

(i) Introduction

Define the issue and explain why it is important.

(ii) Economic Analysis:

How can economic tools be applied to analyze the issue? What existing evidence do we have? (This should be the longest section of the paper.  While you can reference the popular press, blog postings, policy briefs, etc. you should also include citations to relevant papers in the economics literature. – e.g. American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, etc.  You can cite the papers on the class syllabus, but you should make sure to supplement them with additional papers as well.  You can apply the economic models you have learned in other classes to the issue if you find it helpful, although this is certainly not required.)

(iii) Conclusion

What lessons can we learn from the economics analysis? (i.e. what are the policy recommendations or what are the new insights for the business world or the academic world etc.).

(iv) References

No specific format (e.g. MLA, APA) is required, but just make sure to cite your references