Development Plan Template



Bachelor of Business

Co-operative Education


Intake 4

Semester 2, 2023


My Development Plan

Student Name: Student ID:
Major(s) and Minor(s): Your contact no:
Workshop Supervisor: Academic Supervisor:
Placement Organisation(s): Placement Mentor(s):
Word Count:  

Length: 3500 words (+/- 10%) (6000 including template, excluding reference list and appendices)





Your Development Plan is part of the academic programme of work you are required to complete for Co-operative Education.

It is designed to ensure that you have goals and objectives planned for what you want to achieve from your Co-operative Education Placement and to provide you with a solid foundation for the rest of the academic programme.

Please note that in your Development Plan you must:

  • Apply concepts, models, frameworks, theories and/or technical competencies from your business discipline knowledge from your major(s), minor(s), electives.
  • Use authoritative sources
  • Provide in-text citations using APA (7th)
  • Include a Reference List with the full reference (APA 7th)

Throughout Co-operative Education you will be focusing on your Graduate Profile and how you are achieving the BBus Learning Goals set out below:

Learning Goal 1:    Be inquiring, open, and agile thinkers able to seek out and address complex problems

Learning Goal 2:    Be knowledgeable in a specialist area(s)

Learning Goal 3:    Be adept at working in changing local and global contexts and environments

Learning Goal 4:    Be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large

Learning Goal 5:    Be able to work collaboratively

Learning Goal 6:   Be effective communicators

The Development Plan is the first stage of the assessment programme that culminates in an Oral Brief and Co-operative Education Report.  In the Co-operative Education assessments, you will critically reflect on, analyse and evaluate your development throughout the Co-operative Education Placement, and work on a contemporary issue which will form the basis of your Co-operative Education Final Report.

Instructions for completing this document

You must address all of the points in each of the sections.

Note: Do not delete any of the information or instructions from the template


** if you are completing Co-op in a nonstandard option e.g. Gigs, permanent roles, virtual internships you should think about the knowledge from your major(s)/minor(s) and business electives that will be relevant and guide you in your Co-op Experience



Preparation for your Development Plan


Complete the following table:

Your Graduate Profile: BBus Learning Goals self-assessment:


  Where I am now – self evaluation What I still need to work on and why
Learning Goal 1: Be inquiring, open, and agile thinkers able to seek out and address complex problems: Be able to use critical, analytical, creative and reflective thinking processes to seek out and address complex problems and engage with other disciplines and perspectives.    
Learning Goal 2: Be knowledgeable in a specialist area(s): Be able to evidence and apply in-depth knowledge of specialist discipline(s).    
Learning Goal 3: Be adept at working in changing local and global contexts and environments: Be able to demonstrate an understanding of the key challenges in managing in bicultural and multicultural contexts, and in changing global and technological environments.    
Learning Goal 4: Be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large: Be able to discern the ethical dimensions and impacts of business activity and decisions, and advance arguments for socially responsible alternatives and outcomes.    
Learning Goal 5: Be able to work collaboratively: Be able to effectively collaborate with others in diverse teams and reflect on their contributions, and on the teams’ processes and ability to achieve outcomes.    
Learning Goal 6: Be effective communicators: Be able to effectively communicate, negotiate and influence using modes and mediums of communication appropriate to the context.




A.    Your Co-operative Education Placement Activities: being knowledgeable in your specialist discipline(s) of study by demonstrating the application of knowledge from your major(s)/minor(s) to your Co-operative Education Placement

You are required to address the points below and attach a copy of your placement activities as Appendix 1.

You must integrate relevant concepts, models, frameworks, theories and/or technical competencies (i.e. knowledge from your major(s)/minor(s) (using in-text citations from authoritative sources) to support your discussion.



  1. Provide a brief overview of
  • Your Placement Organisation(s) and
  • Your activities
  1. Linking knowledge from your major(s)/minor(s) to your Co-op placement activities:
  • Identify a range of specific theories, concepts, models, frameworks and/or technical competencies in the courses you studied in your major(s)/minor(s) (Note: You must draw on authoritative sources using in-text citations).
  • Using your placement activities, briefly discuss 2 key activities that relate to your major(s)/minor(s) (attach as Appendix 1), and
  • Discuss how the specific theories, concepts, models, frameworks and/or technical competencies you identified from above from your major(s)/minor(s) might apply to each activity (Note: You must draw on authoritative sources using in-text citations).
  1. Discuss the value that your role AND your personal attributes will add to your Placement Organisation.



B.    Your Professional Skills: communicate effectively in professional settings, working collaboratively and being adept at working in changing local and global contexts and environments.

In this section you will develop TWO SMART goals to work on during your placement(s) that relate to your generic professional skills. These should link to:

  • Being able to work collaboratively.
  • Being adept at working in changing local and global contexts and environments.

These goals will develop:

  • Either a personal strength or address a weakness.
  • Generic professional skills or capabilities that could be transferred to workplaces in the future.

Your goals should not relate to discipline-specific technical skills.



To prepare for this, you must complete (see workshop slides):

  • Your Graduate Profile self-assessment on page 3
  • A money personality test
  • A personality test to identify your personality type – see slides for options.
  1. Discuss both your personality types and the implications for you and your role as a professional (using in-text citations).
  2. Your personal SWOT analysis below: (for further information refer to the materials on Canvas and the Workshop handouts)










Goal ONE: Being able to work collaboratively – how you function and interact with others.

Chosen Category: _________________

  1. Clearly identify one aspect from your chosen category (for further information please refer to the materials on Canvas and Workshop handout).
  • The aspect that I have chosen is ______________.
  • Comment on why this aspect is significant in developing your ability to work productively with others to make constructive contributions.
    1. Discuss your strength or weakness in this aspect
    2. Set out your goal for this aspect, in a single statement that meets the SMART criteria and commences: “By the end of my Co-operative Education Placement, I will ______________”.
    3. Complete the action plan below: (add rows if required)
List the specific actions you will put in place to help achieve your goal Models/Frameworks I will base my actions on, with a brief discussion (include in-text citations) Evidence and/or measurements to show I am making progress in achieving my goal









Goal TWO: Being adept at working in changing local and global contexts and environmentsare you in charge of your future?

Chosen Category: _________________

  1. Clearly identify one aspect from your chosen category (for further information please refer to materials on Canvas and Workshop handout).
  • The aspect I have chosen is ______________.
  • Comment on why this aspect is significant in being adept at working in changing local and global contexts and environments.
  1. Discuss your strength or weakness in this aspect.
  2. Set out your goal for this aspect, for a single statement that meets the SMART criteria and commences: “By the end of my Co-operative Education Placement, I will ______________”.


  1. Complete the action plan below: (add rows if required)
List the specific actions you will put in place to help achieve your goal Models/ Frameworks I will base my actions on, with a brief discussion (include in-text citations) Evidence and/or measurements to show I am making progress in achieving my goal












C.    Your Co-operative Education Placement Organisation and the environment it operates in: Be inquiring, open, and agile thinkers able to seek out and address complex problems and be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large.

During your Placement you will keep a weekly log of current events and issues from media sources that are relevant to your industry and/or organisation to use in your Portfolios. A template for your log is attached to each Portfolio.

You are required to address all the points below. You may include further comments or discussion that are relevant.

You must include in-text citations where appropriate.

  1. Identify the following:
    1. Name of Placement Organisation
    2. Placement Organisation’s core business
    3. Industry sector to which they belong.
  2. External environment of your organisation:
    1. Research recent events/issues discussed in the media (i.e., newspapers, websites, expert blogs etc.) Choose ONE that relates to your placement organisation and/or industry and discuss what you think the implications of this are for your placement organisation and/or industry sector.
    2. Why do you think that as an employee of an organisation, it is important that you have knowledge about the external environment of business.



  1. Complete the table below. For each of the following elements of the business environment:
    1. Provide a definition.
    2. Explain your understanding of your definition.
    3. Provide a current business example of these elements in practice.

Note: You must draw on authoritative sources using in-text citations

Corporate Social Responsibility
Explanation of your understanding (in your own words)  
Find a current business example of CSR and discuss how it supports your understanding  



Ethics in Business
Explanation of your understanding (in your own words)  
Find a current business example of Ethics in Business and discuss how it supports your understanding  



Explanation of your understanding (in your own words)  
Find a current business example of Sustainability and discuss how it supports your understanding  



Social Impact
Explanation of your understanding (in your own words)  
Find a current business example of Social Impact and discuss how it supports your understanding  



D.   Your Co-operative Education Industry and Organisation and the environment it operates in: Be inquiring, open, and agile thinkers able to seek out and address complex problems and be future generators of sustainable value for business and society at large.

In the Final Report you will be required to critically analyse and evaluate a chosen contemporary issue from your business knowledge including your major(s) and minor(s) and business electives where appropriate. Your Final Report must demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of this issue through research and be applied to either your industry and/or organisation.

Throughout Co-operative Education you will be working on investigating a contemporary issue, linked to your business knowledge using a critical enquiry approach. This MUST be applied either to your industry sector and/or placement organisation.

Your approach should relate to a specific contemporary issue that is significant for your industry and/or placement organisation and could investigate one of the following:

  • The impact of a global or local opportunity or challenge for your industry and/or organisation
  • The feasibility of a new or alternate idea relating to your industry sector and/or organisation.

This will be researched using academic literature and secondary data.

  • You must not disclose any confidential information from your placement organisation or complete any primary research.
  • Your work must not have been previously submitted by yourself or another person.
  • All researched information has been acknowledged, using in-text citations in APA 7th


You will make regular submissions in your portfolios to develop your thinking and receive feedback on your progress.

You must address the major related to your role and, if appropriate, you can draw on theory from your second major(s), minor(s), and other elective business courses.

In this assessment you must list 2 ideas for an investigation into a contemporary issue from your business discipline perspective(s) and provide a rationale including how this is relevant to your industry and/or placement organisation sector. You may choose to outline your ideas as questions.

  1. Research and briefly discuss recent events/issues sourced from media or other sources (i.e., newspapers, websites, expert blogs). Discuss the media article(s) to provide the context for your ideas.
  2. From the above, outline 2 research ideas or questions related to your major(s)/minor(s) that you would like to investigate further and discuss why they are significant for your industry and/or placement
  3. For each idea outline
    1. Why you think they are related to your business knowledge from your major(s), minor(s) and/or business elective courses.
    2. How your event(s)/issues(s) are relevant to your industry sector and/or placement
    3. Identify the ethical and social issues to be considered when undergoing your investigation.
  4. Outline your research steps that you will follow to investigate your ideas.




Refer to AUT Library on APA 7th:





Appendix 1: Job Description


 Development Plan Template I4