Trending Topics for College Assignment

This is social media assignment on emerging technology. (title page and a reference page not
included in the length requirement) and include a minimum of 7 references:
 5 peer-reviewed sources;
 Course textbooks;
 The Bible.
Please have an Introduction and conclusion. Select your topics from the following list. With
instructor approval, you may research a subject of your own choosing.
 3-D Displays & Printing
 5G
 Additive manufacturing
 Augumented human
 Augmented, Virtual, Mixed Reality
 Automation
 Autonomous Vehicles
 Battery Technologies
 Bioinformatics, Biometrics, Biotech.
 Blockchain
 Brain-inspired computing systems
 Cloud Computing
 CollaborativeTech
 Cyber Security
 Dark Web
 Desalination
 Digital ecosystems
 Digital genome
 Distributed manufacturing
 Distributed Manufacturing
 Drones
 Fog Computing
 Fuel cell vehicles
 Greener networks
 Health Tech
 Homomorphic Encryption
 Immersive Media
 Implantable electronics
 Intelligent Nanobots
 Internet of Things (IoT)
 Mobile & Social Internet
 Mobile Technologies & Advancements
 Nanotechnology
 Neuromorphic technology
 New screens
 Next-generation robotics
 Outsourcing
 Post Classical comm. & compute
 Powered Exoskeletons
 Precise genetic engineering techniques
 Quantum computing
 Reversible computation
 Serverless computing
 Smart Cities
 Solar Power
 Sustainable computing systems
 Systems Metabolic Engineering
 Terahertz Imaging
 Voice Assistants
 Wearables
 Wireless Power
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ready, submit the final version of your papers to the designated Turnitin submission link.