
I will give you comprehensive feedback on the first draft of your paper if you turn it in by the deadline. You are also encouraged to make use of my office hours to talk to me about any concerns or to get additional feedback on your work.

For course papers, there are no cover pages nor abstracts expected. Make sure to give your paper a title. The expected format for papers will be double-spaced, 12 point font, 1-inch margins, with pages numbered. Please refer to the papers on xxx as models of what is possible in terms of topic, scope, and writing style. Use Times, Times New Roman, or Courier font only. Do not use font larger than 12 point or smaller than 11 point. Make certain your name is on your paper, and that your file is saved as YOUR NAME xxx 1 draft (as a google doc) when you share it with me. Please also add the file to your xxxx xxxx Dropbox (with the googledoc link, with a clear title). You may use the assigned course readings as references, but at least 10 references which you find on your own will be expected; these should come from peer reviewed journals, anthologies, and monographs. Note that information obtained through Google (except Google Scholar) and on sources such as Wikipedia is often not reliable or comprehensive; instead, you should take advantage of the databases in the library such as Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts, Academic Search Premier, JSTOR, Sociological Abstracts, MLA, and Eric. Please use APA style, and avoid footnotes and endnotes as much as possible (they are not common in applied linguistics).

How do you find relevant articles? My recommended approach is:

1) go straight to xxx Library’s home page

2) click on E-Resources and Databases

3) type in Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (excellent for journal articles, not books)

4) begin searching using the ‘advanced search’ option; make use of the descriptors in search results to find additional articles


Useful journals to seek out: Applied Linguistics, Language in Society, Critical Inquiry, Qualitative Research in Education, Identities, Harvard Educational Review, Linguistics and Education, Journal of Sociolinguistics, Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, World Englishes, Research on Language and Social Interaction, Journal of Pragmatics, Pragmatics, Englishes World-wide, TESOL Quarterly, Language Learning, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, etc.