language grading and concept checking

This part of the assignment is set to enable us to assess your language grading and concept checking.

You must use direct speech,
e.g.’OK everyone, listen very carefully because I’m going to tell you what to do next. On the wall there are pictures of 12 animals. On these orange cards (hold up a card) are the names of the animals. I’ll give everyone a card with some blu-tack (show back of card with a blob of blu-tack). Take your card and stick it to the correct animal picture. Juan, what are you going to do with your orange card?’

You might need to put in some predicted student responses for the vocabulary teaching part.


N.B. If you do not use direct speech, you will be required to resubmit the whole assignment.

Give word for word the language you could use for:


  1. A) Presenting 3 of your selected vocabulary items which would need to be concept checked,
    Show how you would elicit, explain and concept check each of the three items.


  1. B) Instructions for ONE of your planned reading comprehension tasks, either the 1st (skimming and/or scanning task), or the 2nd (detailed comprehension task).