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Term Project
The CNST 6340 Final Project is to be completed by each student as an individual project.
Detailed instructions are listed below. The final paper is due on 11pm, Sunday 12/4/2022.
Problem Statement:
The objective of this Final Project is to apply the model outlined in the CII Implementation
Model to implement one (1) of the CII Best Practices for the ALM Solutions Project Delivery
System (PDS).
All seventeen CII Best Practices covered in the class are:
• Advanced Work Packaging • Materials Management
• Alignment • Partnering
• Benchmarking & Metrics • Planning for Modularization
• Change Management • Planning for Startup
• Constructability • Quality Management
• Disputes Prevention & Resolution • Risk Assessment
• Front End Planning • Team Building
• Implementation of CII Research • Zero Accident Techniques
• Lessons Learned
Instructions: Final Project Milestones, Deliverables, and Deadlines
1. Study the ALM Solutions Final Project Scenario (below) and read through the CII Best
Practices Handbook (SP 166-4 which can found in CII portal resources – pre-reads – Class
1 folder).
2. You are the leader of the Best Practice Corporate Implementation Champion.
3. Select one (1) CII Best Practice that your team proposes ALM Solutions adopt for their PDS
and develop your Best Practice Implementation Proposal – the business case (“vision”) that
considers the needs of the organization and the opportunities and potential impact that
implementation of the CII Best Practice you have selected will have for ALM Solutions.
Your plan proposal should consider the following:
• The 4 Implementation steps:
Step 1: Preparing
Step 2: Initiating
Step 3: Growing
Step 4: Establishing
• The Implementation Elements:
– Focus
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– Task
– Barriers
– Strategies
– Success
• Implementation Specifics:
– Communication
– Buy-in
– Resources
– Measuring Improvements
(See IR 246-2-The Implementation Planning Model: Steps to Success included in the reading
section for Session “Implementation of CII Research” for more information about the
implementation of CII Practices)
The final paper shall be at least four (4) pages in length (1-inch margins, single lines spacing,
and 12-point Times New Roman font, but no more than eight (8) pages and include any
necessary flow charts and matrices to support your implementation effort.
You are encouraged to discuss your outline with industry sources before submittal.
Submit your final project through Blackboard no later than 11pm, Sunday 12/4/2022.
Fall 2022 Final Project Scenario
ALM Solutions is a new company formed through the joining of 3 different organizations: Able
Construction, Lester A&E, and Mekanix.
Able Construction has a reputation for profitability. A hard driving construction only
organization based in Chicago, it was built on lump sum work throughout the United States. It
has an appetite for relative high risk projects as it seeks double digit profit margins on work
executed by strong construction managers. Current ALM Chairman, Bill Mitchell, built the Able
Construction organization from the ground up, hand picking his staff. He believes in the power
of leadership and avoids hard and fast corporate procedures. He is a hands-on chairman. Able
Construction has been an active member of CII for the past 20 years.
Lester A&E, a fee for service well respected architectural and engineering firm located in Seattle,
Washington, has enjoyed a reputation for solid engineering from its 98% registered professional
staff. It has a well-established clientele that looks to Lester for well-designed projects that are
awarded, nearly always, on a cost reimbursable basis. Lester has developed a delivery process
that insures high value engineering and design with a customer focused approach. Each project
obtains the involvement of department managers who assign staff as they deem necessary.
Most of its clients prefer the design-bid-build approach. Lester A&E is a new CII member, having
just joined 2 years ago – they have not yet been able to participate in many of the CII events nor
have they begun to implement CII practices in their organization.
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Mekanix, a manufacturer of process equipment is a century old firm specializing in US
Government sector work. It delivers US assembled equipment that originates from its globally
deployed manufacturing sites. It is well versed in compliance to US Federal Acquisition
Regulations. Risk averse, it has succeeded through a disciplined, centrally controlled financial
system. It is well financed with little debt thanks to its strong corporate accountants and
auditors. Cost centers are independent but report directly to the home office in Bedford Falls.
Mekanix is not a member of CII.
The newly formed entity, ALM Solutions, is engaged in engineering, procurement, and
construction and commissioning (EPCC) services of oil production and refining facilities and
will be seeking to capture a major share of the US market as the recession lifts. It envisions
leveraging from the excellent competence and reputation from each of the firms and envisions
delivering fast track, turnkey, lump sum projects at various locations throughout the world. The
new company wants to grow rapidly but knows that without formal processes and systems in
place the likelihood of losing control of projects is high. The first order of business will be to
establish the Project Delivery System (PDS) for the entity. Of note, ALM Solutions has recently
received a new EPCC contract for an offshore oil production facility in the US Gulf of Mexico.
In this hypothetical scenario, you have just graduated from University of Houston and joined
ALM Solutions as a member of their CII Best Practice Corporate Implementation Champions
Team. Your team is charged with the identification and implementation of CII Best Practices for
the ALM Solutions PDS.