Memorial service speech

Notes and Comments..   Memorial service speech


James committed suicide in Mid October -Total shock and devastation


– I first met James when we both began boarding School, feels like 6 years ago not 36…. These early days have formed our grass root connection, over the years we would quite often not speak for months at a time however when we did, it was easy and seem as though nothing changed – would flow…. Enhancing our connection

– Inspiring message ??

– Respect your private life but wished you’d shared more….

– Often in times of unforeseen tragedy we find comfort in music REM – “every body hurts” – comments about this song…. Re holding on and letting go.

I feel many lyrics depict how we so often feel…

Pain and loss always create questions..

I feel there is so much sorrow and out pouring of grief and condolences given. I strongly feel self sorrow needs to be implemented as WE are all the ones missing out ….


Missing out on James…


  • ability to connect with people on all levels, find a connection or topic with most.
  • Genuinely more interested in what was happening for you than himself.
  • Wonderful soul.
  • Loving Cheeky smile
  • Stirring personality
  • He could take the Mickey out of you with his cheek and you wouldn’t even realise it.

Thankyou to his family for the opportunity to speak and share my thoughts about my wonderful friend Jim as we so often referred to him..



–  waterskiing weekends away,

  • B&S balls from circle work in ute’s to Rum drinking and dust eating memories are great to have.
  • From Spontaneous combustion with the Volante (ski Boat) to knee boarding across the sand at the lake or listening to how Bill shares your inspiring cheeky, yet stirring personality, as being the time the young fella phoned his mother pretending to be abducted and riding around in the back of a van, whilst at boarding school… just for kicks..