CI7160 (Mobile Security) Coursework Part B

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CI7160 (Mobile Security) Coursework Part B
Due 15 Jan by 23:59 Points 100 Submitting a file upload File types doc and docx
Start Assignment
CI7160 (Mobile Security) Coursework Part B (Secure Mobile App Functional Specification and Report)
The aim of this coursework is to write a technical report containing a description of the functionality of the
secure app of Coursework Part A that you have implemented, including a presentation and analysis of its security
features, and a brief review of the technology underlying its mobile communication mechanisms and protocols
and related security.
The description of the functionality would be like a functional specification and will include basic documentation,
screenshots, and any known issues or limitations.
The presentation and analysis of the security features of your app need to justify the strengths of the security
that your implementation may have, by explaining the secure design, coding and testing methodology that you
have undertaken when developing your app. It also needs to identify potential weaknesses based on the
knowledge you have acquired on overarching principles underpinning mobile security.
The review of the technology needs to put the specific implemented mechanisms into the broader picture of the
wireless principles and protocols that were explained in the lectures.
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Overall, the report should contain 12 pages maximum with words limit of 3000 words maximum, using Arial font
size 11pt. Please include the title, your name and k-number as well as an abstract on the first page. The
breakdown of the remaining pages is as follows:
Description of the functionality of the app including basic documentation and screenshots and known
issues or limitations
Discussion of security analysis aspects of the mobile app.
Review of relevant wireless technology used in your app for communication and related security.
Appendix showing your code in text format (no screenshots). This part will be marked via assignment A.
This coursework component contributes to 20% of the overall available module marks.
Overall Synopsis, Content, Functional Specification and Presentation – 30%
Critical Analysis (Discussion of Security Aspect, Features and Limitations – 50%
Review of relevant wireless technology and related security – 20%)
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Coursework B
Please submit a soft copy of your coursework report together with the secure mobile app source code of Part A
of the module coursework, using the same Canvas submission link.
Deadline: 15 January 2023 23:59
Missing the deadline by even a few minutes will result in a cap of 50%. If you are ill or have problems that prevent
you from meeting the deadline you may be able to negotiate an extension in advance. The University Mitigating
Circumstances policy may apply. You will need to use the online Extensions and Mitigation Circumstances
system. Remember if you submit a piece of work or attend an examination, you have judged yourself fit to
undertake the assessment and cannot claim mitigating circumstances retrospectively.
Academic Misconduct
The University defines academic misconduct (cheating) in assessment as any attempt by a student to gain an
unfair advantage in assessments or to aid another to gain such an advantage. Examples of types of academic
misconduct included in the regulations, and further support and information can be found here
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Total points: 100
Criteria Ratings Pts
30 pts
50 pts
20 pts
Overall Synopsis, Content, Functional Specification and Presentation
Critical Analysis
Critical Analysis (Discussion of Security Aspect, Features and Limitations)
Review of Relevant Wireless Technology