Research Methods


Semester: Spring 2024

Contribution to discussion

on A topic Selection for the Research Methods


Activity Selecting a Research Topic
Objectives –        In this assessment, you will actively participate in an online discussion forum designed to enhance your critical thinking and communication skills in the context of research methods, with a specific focus on sustainability.

–        Your primary objective is to select a research topic that is relevant to your academic major while incorporating sustainability principles. Below are some suggested topics as examples only.

–        Throughout this four-week assignment, you will need to read relevant resources, synthesize pertinent a well-defined research questions/problem statement.

–        Your engagement with your peers should demonstrate specialized communication skills.

Course Learning Outcomes S1 This activity aligns with the attainment of the following Course Learning Outcomes as per the syllabus:

S2: K1,K2,S1

Description ·       It is important to choose a topic that is interesting and relevant to your field of study, in the UAE context.


Instruction You are required to select a topic relevant to your academic program Master degree, and practical to the UAE.

Please check the Turinitin as similarity should not exceed 20% in all cases.

Fill out the template


  1. This assignment is graded out of 15 points in total, with 12 points designated for the topic and justification, and 3 points for the discussion of three topics suggested by fellow classmates. In order to effectively accomplish this task, it is important to adhere to the following instructions:
  2. The first step in the process is to establish the boundaries and parameters of the study. This involves clearly defining the scope of the research, which will help to determine the specific objectives and goals that will be pursued.
  3. Refine your selection: Select a subject matter that possesses sufficient specificity to be effectively handled, while yet maintaining a breadth that permits subsequent in-depth investigation.
  4. Conduct an investigation on the subject matter by utilizing both internet and library resources in order to acquire a deeper understanding of the topic and to ascertain potential research inquiries.
  5. When selecting a topic for the assignment, it is important to carefully consider its scope. It is crucial to avoid choosing a topic that is either excessively broad or excessively limited in order to ensure that it aligns appropriately with the assignment’s requirements.


  Criteria Description Points
1 Topic Relevance Assessment of how well the chosen discussion topic aligns with the program, research priority areas and recent trends in UAE. 2 points
2 Contribution to Discussion Evaluation of the depth and relevance of contributions to the ongoing discussions within the forum. 3 points
3 Clarity of Expression Assessment of the clarity and effectiveness of written communication in expressing thoughts and ideas. 2 points
4 Engagement with Peers Evaluation of the level of engagement with fellow forum members, including prompt responsiveness and interaction. 3 points
5 Effective Use of Language, Assessment of effective use of language, respectful interaction, in actively participating and contributing to discussions, all in one criterion. 2 points
6 Peer feedback Assessment of the quality and usefulness of feedback provided to peers. 3 Points
Total 15 Points
Total 15 points