Comparing 3 different kinds and finding the best closure technique for VSD

double spaced 7 page personalized research paper on

Which closure techniques for VSD would you like to compare? Surgical closure,Catheter-based closure,Hybrid closure What specific outcomes are you looking for in the closure technique for VSD? Low complication rate,Reduced hospital stay,High success rate,if patient will be more likely to have complications or not Are there any specific patient factors or conditions that you want to consider when comparing the closure techniques? Existing heart conditions Id like to have 7 double spaced pages of a research paper that sounds personalized (as in sounding like this is research you found with cites and whats interesting about it to you). this is for a big grade for school and i would like to have the topic be on VSD’s id like to have the following stated – overview of what VSD is and who it can effect as well as most common kind – three different kinds of closure techniques – state how procedures are done as well as possible complications and benefits of each (pros and cons of each) – compare all found answers and give an explanation of which one we thing would be the best option for a patient who may have a VSD and is looking for the best possible outcome based on the research found ( please use alot of different cites to find your research but PLEASE do not use any cites published past 2018 (so use 2018 + published articles on specified topic please)