Dynamic Business Metrics Visualization

1. Overall marketing objectives Use a table to present information for the following sections Sales forecast year 1-5 Profit forecast years 1-5 Market penetration and coverage (geographic information). A map, figure, chart or table is good. 2. The SWOT analysis Summarize your conclusion from the previous Assignment. 2-3 actionable strategies summarized from your SWOT analysis need to be included here A Table is good. 3. Product Adaption or modification Choose one product or product line for this section. Include the picture of the product/product line Use the product component model as your guide, indicating how your product can be adapted for the market Core component packaging component support services component 4. Promotion Mix — Pictures, charts, tables are expected for this section. Advertising Overall objectives Media mix — a table illustrating possible media outlets to be engaged in the marketing campaign, Be Specific Traditional media — one or two outlets Digital Media — two platforms Message — a promotional message needs to be created. This part could be presented with the Media mix in a Table. Persuasive promotional message for each outlet. if you are going to use one message across all media outlets, please justify. A sample print ad or picture should be concluded Attractive Sales promotion — Table or Chart is a good way to present the information Objectives Coupon options — please also include the frequency and timeline for coupon promotions. Premiums Costs Personal selling Justify the necessity for this promotional method Other promotional methods Be creative Consider the digital celebrities Co-branding options, for example. 5. Distribution: From origin to destination Port selections: origin & destination Mode selection — choose the best for this product Packing — sample package is encouraged costs 6. Channels of distributions Retailers? — justify your choice scale Wholesale? 7. Price Determination. — Table is encouraged Shipping cost suggested retail price and wholesale price Sources and references