Project Planning

With the effects if the COVID-19 pandemic being felt across the globe, it is important to ensure the tracking of the spread of the virus in public areas. Crownpass has been suggested as a COVID-19 tracking tool that would help in the tracking of individuals in public spaces. The Crownpass system is designed for the owners of a controlled area. The system will help the users of the controlled public space to be able to make it easy to trace the individuals in a given space at a given time and it can be used in contact tracing in case of a COVID-19 infection. As a software engineering project, it is expected that the system development will undergo through all the important phases of software development life cycle. Therefore, this project plan seeks to meet the requirements to plan for the implementation of the Crownpass system functional and non-functional requirements. This document seeks to provide the project plan, software modeling specification, software architecture design, and finally the test plan of implementing this project.

Task 1: Project Planning

The implementation of the Crownpass subsystem is expected to be undertaken using the various phases of software development. The role of project planning is undertaken by the project manager with the help of relevant project team members. A project plan outlines how the various tasks of a project will be undertaken, controlled, monitored, and the objectives of the project achieved before the project is closed. Proper project planning ensures that the project execution is undertaken on schedule, on budget, and within the scope of the project requirements. The project requirements for this project are as outlined in the requirements definition phase of the project. The requirements definition outlined the scope and expectations of the subsystem and this project plan will provide a strategy on how to implement the requirements. Project planning for this project will involve the following tasks.

1.1 Task Decomposition

The first and important part of the project is task decomposition where the project requirements are broken down into tasks based on the functions. This is an important project management process as it outlines the elements within the project that will form major activities for the project execution in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the project. The tasks of the project have been developed based on the traditional software development life cycle phases. The Task Decomposition Tree is used to indicate task decomposition in a project. Below in the task decomposition tree of this project.
