Russia and the Soviet Union Study Essay


12MH ASST2 Notification 2024

Assessment Task Notification 2

COURSE Modern History
TOPIC Russia and the Soviet Union Study
DATE ISSUED Tuesday 27th February, 2024 (Term 1, Week 5)
FINAL TASK DUE DATE Wednesday 13th March, 2024 (Term 1, Week 7) – 12MH1

Thursday 14th March, 2024 (Term 1, Week 7) – 12MH2

SUBMISSION METHOD Attend class and complete written essay in 50 minutes.
LATE SUBMISSION PENALTY Late submission will result in a mark of 0. If applying for misadventure/ illness or appeal, applications with supporting documentation are to be submitted to the Registrar via the UHS library OR emailed to the Registrar at as per the Assessment policy within 2 school days of the task due date.
PLAGIARISM PENALTY All work must be your own and appropriate acknowledgement of sources made where applicable. Any work found to be significantly plagiarised will result in a mark of zero and an N-Determination awarded.


MH12-2           proposes arguments about the varying causes and effects of events and                                                            developments

MH12-5           assesses the significance of historical features, people, ideas, movements,                                             events and developments of the modern world

MH12-8           plans and conducts historical investigations and presents reasoned                                                        conclusions, using relevant evidence from a range of sources






Essay Question


Topic: Russia and the Soviet Union 1917-1941

Marks: 25

Word Length: 1000


Select ONE question from the list below. You will be required to answer your chosen essay question on the due date.



Option 1: Assess the significance of differing visions for the USSR in the leadership conflict between 1924 and 1929.


Option 2: Evaluate the impact of Stalin’s economic transformation of the USSR on Soviet society and culture by 1941.


Option 3: To what extent did the show trials and ‘the Terror’ shape the Communist Party and Soviet society in the period 1934−1941?


Option 4: Account for the changing nature of Soviet Foreign Policy in the years between 1917-1941.



You are to create a written (not digital) MAP response to your chosen question, using the scaffold at the end of this assessment notification.


The MAP response will be viewed by your classroom teacher before the assessment begins on the due date.


You are permitted to take ONLY the MAP response into the test. No other resources will be allowed on the due date.






●      Addresses the question asked, making a comprehensive and reasoned judgement based on a sophisticated and sustained argument

●      Demonstrates extensive and accurate historical knowledge and understanding relevant to the question

●      Supports the response with relevant evidence and interpretation

●      Presents a sustained, logical and cohesive response using appropriate historical terms and concepts

●      Addresses the question asked making a reasoned judgement and/or an argument

●      Demonstrates well-developed knowledge and understanding of the issue(s) raised in the question

●      Supports the response with relevant evidence and/or interpretation

●      Presents a logical and cohesive response using appropriate historical terms and concepts

●      Addresses the question making some judgement and/or an argument

●      Demonstrates sound historical knowledge and understanding

●      Supports the response with evidence and/or interpretation

●      Presents a coherent response using some historical terms and concepts

●      Demonstrates some knowledge and/or understanding of the question

●      May support the response with evidence and/or interpretation

●      Communicates using some appropriate historical terms and/or concepts

●      Makes general statement(s) about the question

●      May use some historical terms and/or concepts

●      May be disjointed AND/OR very brief








Teaching and Learning Model

MAP – Make a Plan



Student Name:

Answer Re-Construction








In your answer you will be assessed on how well you:

·       Present a sustained argument (/judgement)

·       Present a coherent and well-structured response (/SEEaL)

·       Support argument with detailed, relevant and accurate historical information (/use facts/figures/terms)


Introduction 2-3 sentences that identifies and defines the key issues/content and indicates your direct response to the question. End with your thesis statement.
Body Addresses the various parts of the question

Structure the paragraphs by organising your content in a logical sequence as follows:

S Statement (judgement)
E Explanation (contextual detail)
E Evidence (examples and interpretation)
a Analysis (of impact)
L Link (to the question)
Conclusion Repeat /reword the main ideas raised by the question.


Student MAP
Introduction 2-3 sentences that identifies and defines the key issues/content and indicates your direct response to the question. End with your thesis statement.











Teacher Comment
S E E a L
State the focus of the paragraph.

Hint: Select one issue that clearly links to the question and topic. Show judgement.

Explain the topic.

Hint: Address relevant content.


Provide evidence for your judgement.

Hint: provide examples, details of the issue/s.

Analyse the impact.

Hint: evaluate the impact of society / politics / economy

Clearly link the issue to the question or topic.

Hint: Make a connection between the topic and question by using linking verbs.

Paragraph 1
















Teacher Comment
Paragraph 2

















Teacher Comment
Paragraph 3

















Teacher Comment
Paragraph 4 (optional)
















Teacher Comment
Conclusion Repeat /reword the main ideas raised by the question. Teacher Comment









