Assessment Brief – Coursework


Academic Year 2023-24
Semester 2
Module Number CBM805
Module Title Strategic Digital Communications
Assessment Method Digital Audit Template Report
Deadline (time and date) Friday 12th April by 1pm
Submission Assessment Dropbox in the Module Study Area in CampusMoodle.
Word Limit 4,000 words (+/- 10%)
Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) text IS NOT authorised
Module Co-ordinator Lauren Ironside


What knowledge and/or skills will I develop by undertaking the assessment?
Students will develop an advanced understanding of digital communications strategy and the effective use of digital communication tools.
On successful completion of the assessment students will be able to achieve the following Learning Outcomes:1. To critically evaluate the digital communications strategy for a live client andmake recommendations based on your findings.2. Apply a range of digital communication tools in the context of a live client.
Please also refer to the Module Descriptor, available from the module Moodle study area.


Date created: August 2023 Version: 4


What is expected of me in this assessment?
Task(s) – contentIndividually, you should complete the Digital Communications Audit Report. Template is available on Moodle.
Task(s) – formatThe report word count is 4,000 words (+/-10% e.g. word count can be between 3,600 and 4,400 words).Word Count:If the word count of an assessment is considered critical, then this will be reflected in the assessment criteria for that assessment.Generally, the title page, executive summary (or abstract), contents page, lists of tables and figures, glossary (if required), reference list, bibliography (if required) and any appendices are not part of the word count.Everything in the main body of text, including headings, sub-headings, citations and direct quotes, is included in the word count.Anything you consider essential for your marker to read should be in the main body of text. Anything that is supplementary or supporting material should be in the appendices. Regarding tables in the main body of text:A table containing mainly numeric content would not be considered part of theword count.A table containing mainly text content would be considered part of the wordcount.


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What is expected of me in this assessment?
Submission Date: Friday 12th April by 1pm.Coursework should be submitted electronically via the designated Assignment Dropbox in the Module Study Area in CampusMoodle.Hand back to students: four working weeks.Where you can lose marks:If you deviate substantially from the specified word count (+ or – 10%), up to1 grade point may be deducted.Presentation and professionalism is important in this assessment – the penalty for poor spelling and grammar is the deduction of up to 1 grade point. Check your work carefully before submission.Coursework received late, without valid reason, will be regarded as a nonsubmission (NS) and one of your assessment opportunities will be lost. The University operates a Fit to Sit Policy which means that if you undertake an assessment then you are declaring yourself well enough to do so.Referencing Style:Please use the RGU Harvard Referencing style to identify all sources used to support your assessment submission.Details of how to use the RGU Harvard Referencing Style can be found on the Library Moodle pages and by attending the Library Harvard referencing classes, which run twice a week during the semester – you can sign up to attend one of these classes from the Library Moodle site.


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What is expected of me in this assessment?
Before submitting your work, you should check through it to ensure that:All material that has been identified as originally from a previously publishedsource has been properly attributed by the inclusion of an appropriate citationin the text.Direct quotations are marked as such (using “quotation marks” at the beginning and end of the selected text).A full and accurate Reference List is provided.Coursework Resubmission:If required, an individual report based on the same brief as above but including updated client information, will be submitted during re-sit window.Date: August 2024.


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How will I be graded?
A grade will be provided for each criterion on the feedback grid which is specific to the assessment. The overall grade for the assessment will be calculated using the algorithm below*. [Amend as appropriate to your module.]
A At least 50% of the feedback grid to be at Grade A, at least 75% of the feedback grid to be at Grade B or better, and normally 100% of the feedback grid to be at Grade C or better.
B At least 50% of the feedback grid to be at Grade B or better, at least 75% of the feedback grid to be at Grade C or better, and normally 100% of the feedback grid to be at Grade D or better.
C At least 50% of the feedback grid to be at Grade C or better, and at least 75% of the feedback grid to be at Grade D or better.
D At least 50% of the feedback grid to be at Grade D or better, and at least 75% of the feedback grid to be at Grade E or better.
E At least 50% of the feedback grid to be at Grade E or better.
F Failing to achieve at least 50% of the feedback grid to be at Grade E or better.
NS Non-submission.

*If the word count is above the specified word limit by more than 10% or the submission contains an excessive use of text within tables, the grade for the submission will be reduced to the next lowest grade.


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Feedback grid


CRITERION 1: Knowledge(20 %) Excellent demonstration of knowledge of underlying communication theories and concepts. Very good demonstration of knowledge of underlying communication theories and concepts. Good demonstration of knowledge of underlying communication theories and concepts. Satisfactory demonstration of knowledge of underlying communication theories and concepts. Weak demonstration of knowledge of underlying communication theories and concepts. Unsatisfactory demonstration of knowledge of underlying communication theories and concepts.
CRITERION 2: Analysis(30 %) Excellent situational analysis with excellent critical analysis of the client’s current digital communications strategy. Very good situational analysis with clear evidence of critical analysis of the client’s current digital communications strategy. Good situational analysis with clear evidence of critical analysis of the client’s current digital communications strategy. Satisfactory situational analysis with some attempt at critical analysis of the client’s current digital communications strategy. Weak situational analysis with very little attempt at critical analysis of the client’s current digital communications strategy Unsatisfactory situational analysis with no attempt at critical analysis of the client’s current digital communications strategy
CRITERION 3: Apply(20 %) Excellent application of digital communication tools and techniques evidenced. Very good application of digital communication tools and techniques evidenced. Good application of digital communication tools and techniques evidenced. Satisfactory application of digital communication tools and techniques evidenced. Weak application of digital communication tools and techniques evidenced. Unsatisfactory application of digital communication tools and techniques evidenced.


CRITERION 4: Recommendations(20 %) Excellent recommendations, highly appropriate for the client underpinned with strong justification and evaluation. Very good recommendations, appropriate for the client underpinned with commendable justification and evaluation. Good recommendations, mostly appropriate for the client underpinned with good justification and evaluation. Satisfactory recommendations but not all appropriate for the client, underpinned with some justification and evaluation. Weak recommendations, generally not appropriate for the client. Weak justification and evaluation provided. Unsatisfactory recommendations, not appropriate for the client. Very weak justification and evaluation provided.
CRITERION 5: Presentation(10 %) Excellent professional tone and standard of presentation is consistently adopted throughout. Professional tone and standard of presentation is adopted throughout. Generally a professional tone and standard of presentation is adopted throughout. Has some presentation weaknesses however a professional tone and standard of presentation is generally adopted throughout. Weak professional tone and standard of presentation throughout. Unsatisfactory tone and standard of presentation throughout.

Coursework received late, without valid reason, will be regarded as a non-submission (NS) and one of your assessment opportunities will be lost.


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What else is important to my assessment?
What is the Assessment Word Limit Statement?It is important that you adhere to the Word Limit specified above. The Assessment Word Limit Statement can be found in Appendix 2 of the RGU Assessment Policy. It provides detail on the purpose, setting and implementation of wordage limits; lists what is included and excluded from the word count; and the penalty for exceeding the word count.What’s included in the word count?The table below lists the constituent parts which are included and excluded from the word limit of a Coursework; more detail can be found in the full Assessment Word Limit Statement. Images will not be allowed as a mechanism to circumvent the word count.

Excluded Included
Cover or Title Page Main Text e.g. Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Analysis, Conclusions, and Recommendations
Executive Summary (Reports) or Abstract Headings and subheadings
Contents Page In-text citations
List of Abbreviations and/or List of Acronyms Footnotes (relating to in-text footnote numbers)
List of Tables and/or List of Figures Quotes and quotations written within “…”
Tables – mainly numeric content Tables – mainly text content
Reference List and/or Bibliography

What are the penalties?The grade for the submission will be reduced to the next lowest grade if:The word count of submitted work is above the specified word limit by more than 10%.The submission contains an excessive use of text within Tables or Footnotes.


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What else is important to my assessment?
What is plagiarism?Plagiarism is “the practice of presenting the thoughts, writings or other output of another or others as original, without acknowledgement of their source(s) at the point of their use in the student’s work. All materials including text, data, diagrams or other illustrations used to support a piece of work, whether from a printed publication or from electronic media, should be appropriately identified and referenced and should not normally be copied directly unless as an acknowledged quotation. Text, opinions or ideas translated into the words of the individual student should in all cases acknowledge the original source” (RGU 2022).What is collusion?“Collusion is defined as two or more people working together with the intention of deceiving another. Within the academic environment this can occur when students work with others on an assignment, or part of an assignment, that is intended to be completed separately“ (RGU 2022).For further information please see Academic Integrity.
What if I’m unable to submit?The University operates a Fit to Sit Policy which means that if you undertake an assessment thenyou are declaring yourself well enough to do so.If you require an extension, you should complete and submit a Coursework Extension Form. Thisform is available on the RGU Student and Applicant Forms page.Further support is available from your Course Leader.
What additional support is available?RGU Study Skills provide advice and guidance on academic writing, study skills, maths andstatistics and basic IT.RGU Library guidance on referencing and citing.The Inclusion Centre: Disability & Dyslexia.Your Module Coordinator, Course Leader and designated Personal Tutor can also providesupport.
What are the University rules on assessment?The University Regulation ‘A4: Assessment and Recommendations of Assessment Boards‘ sets out important information about assessment and how it is conducted across the University.


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Suggested Reading


It is vital to your progress through this module and your performance in the assessment that you read as widely as possible within the subject area. Given the nature of this module, you may find that some of the most useful resources can be found online, nevertheless there are a number of textbooks that you may find useful.


You should be undertaking your own research and reading, and you will find many more resources available within the RGU library.


CHAFFEY, D. and ELLIS-CHADWICK, F., 2019. Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice. 7TH ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.


CHAFFEY, D. and SMITH, P.R., 2017. Digital Marketing Excellence: Planning, Optimizing and Integrating Online Marketing. 5th ed. Abington, Oxon: Taylor & Francis.


CHARLESWORTH, A., 2018. Digital Marketing: A Practical Approach. 3rd ed. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.


DODSON, I., 2016. The Art of Digital Marketing: The definitive guide to creating strategic, targeted and measurable online campaigns. New Jersey: Wiley & Sons Inc.


FILL, C. and TURNBULL, S., 2016. Marketing Communications: Discovery, Creation and Conversations. 7th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.


KINGSNORTH, S., 2019. Digital Marketing Strategy: an integrated approach to online marketing. 2nd ed. London: Kogan Page Limited.


RYAN, D., 2016. Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation. 4th ed. London: Kogan Page Limited.


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Additional Useful Resources:


AdWeek –


Econsultancy –


HSTalks –


Interbrand –


Mintel –


Moz –


Retail week –


Smart Insights –


Ted Talks –


Think with Google –


Academic Journal Databases:


• Journal of Brand Management


• Journal of Business Research


• Journal of Marketing and Management


• Journal of Digital and Social Media Marketing



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