Assessment: Individual Report

Assessment: Individual Report (1,500 words), due by Friday, 03 May 2024 (16:30)
Weight: 75% of module grade
Referencing: Harvard referencing format
Learning Outcomes:

Understand the impact of globalization and internationalization on leaders.
Apply leadership theory in a global context.
Analyze how cultural theory, biases, and heuristics influence effective leadership.
Report Overview:

Diagnose leadership issues in a global firm that is failing or has failed due to senior management’s complicity.
Assertions should be backed by publicly available sources and citations.
Firm choice needs tutor approval.
Suggested Structure and Weighting:

Background and Introduction (10%, ~200 words):
Introduce the firm, its global operations, and the objective/structure of the report.
Leadership Team Profile and Competencies (15%, ~250 words):
Describe the firm’s key personnel and management team, including hierarchy, expertise, responsibilities, and reporting structure.
Firm Performance (15%, ~250 words):
Discuss financial and non-financial performance (e.g., profitability, turnover, customer satisfaction, new product development, employee retention, environmental impact).
Leadership Issue or Issues (30%, ~600 words):
Identify internal circumstances perpetuated by senior leaders that undermine the firm’s growth, viability, or reputation.
Recommendations (10%, ~200 words):
Suggest actionable options to address the leadership issues identified.
Theory (15%):
Apply relevant theories, tools, and frameworks from the module.
Referencing (5%):
Follow Harvard citation and referencing style.
Additional Guidelines:

Steps to Approach the Report:
Select the Firm:
Choose a global firm that has clear leadership failures contributing to its decline.
Research and Analysis:
Gather relevant data, focusing on leadership decisions that negatively impacted performance.
Use publicly available sources and academic literature.
Outline the Report:
Follow the indicative structure, ensuring logical flow and cohesive arguments.
Incorporate Theories and Frameworks:
Draw from the module’s theoretical content to analyze leadership challenges.
Provide realistic and research-backed solutions to the issues identified.
Finalize the Report:
Ensure adherence to Harvard referencing and the word count requirement.
Proofread and verify for plagiarism or AI detection compliance.