
Version 1- June 2022, the last moderation window for results for this assessment


brief is September 2023


5CO01 Organisational performance and culture in practice
Learner Assessment Brief
Assessment ID / CIPD_5CO01_22_01
Level 5 Associate Diploma inPeople ManagementOrganisational Learning and Development


Version 1 – June 2022 2


Please write clearly in block capitals.
Centre number:
Centre name:
Learner number (1st 7 digits of CIPD Membership number):
Learner surname:
Learner other names:
Unit code: 5CO01
Unit title: Organisational performance and culture in practice
Assessment ID: CIPD_5CO01_22_01
Assessment start date:
Assessment submission date:
First resubmission date for centre marking – if applicable
Second resubmission date for centre marking – if applicable
Declared word count
Assessor name:
Assessor signature:
IQA name (if applicable):
IQA signature (if applicable):


Level 5 Associate Diploma


Version 1 – June 2022 3


5CO01 Organisational performance and culture in practice


This unit assignment explores the connections between organisational structure and the wider world of work in a commercial context. It highlights the factors and trends, including the digital environment, that impact on business strategy and workforce planning, recognising the influence of culture, employee wellbeing and behaviour in delivering change and organisational performance.


CIPD’s insight


Change management (Sep 2021)


Organisational change is a constant in many organisations, driven by a number of different forces including customers, markets and technology. Yet research shows that most change initiatives fail to get their intended outcomes and may even limit an organisation’s potential and its people. The effects of not managing change effectively can be devastating and long lasting, so it’s important that people professionals understand the issues and equip themselves with techniques to support change management initiatives.


The factsheet looks at why change management is important, the implications of not managing change effectively, and the potential issues that can arise in change management processes. It offers a series of techniques to help ensure change is effective.


Technology and the future of work (January 2021)


How artificial intelligence (AI), robots and automation are shaping the world of work, the ethical considerations and the role of people professionals.


Much has been said about the potential impact of AI, robots and automation on jobs and the future of work. A common view is that many jobs are at risk of being taken over by machines, potentially leading to large-scale job losses. Our research shows that while there are risks, there are at least as many opportunities to increase the number and quality of jobs. No doubt these technologies will change the nature of work as we know it. This change needs a proper people strategy led by people professionals.


This factsheet describes some of the technologies that are having an impact on the world of work. It looks at the ethical implications of using these technologies in the workplace and considers the role of people professionals in shaping the future of work for humans.


Please note that the purpose of this insight is to link you to CIPD’s research and evidence within the subject area, so that you can engage with the latest thinking. It is not provided to replace the study required as part of the learning or as formative assessment material


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Preparation for the Tasks:


At the start of your assignment, you are encouraged to plan your assessment work with


your Assessor and where appropriate agree milestones so that they can help you monitor


your progress.


Refer to the indicative content in the unit to guide and support your evidence.


Pay attention to how your evidence is presented, remember you are working in the People


Practice Team.


Ensure that the evidence generated for this assessment remains your own work.


You will also benefit from:


Completing and acting on formative feedback from your Assessor.


Reflecting on your own experiences of learning opportunities and continuous professional




Reading the CIPD Insight, Fact Sheets and related online material on these topics as well


as key research authors on the subject.


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Task – Questions


Knowledge and understanding for this core unit will be assessed by written answers to the questions below.


1. Organisations differ in terms of structure, the products and/or services offered and




a. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of two types of organisation


structures, including the reasons underpinning them. (AC 1.1)


b. Analyse connections between organisational strategy, products, services and


customers. (AC 1.2)


2. All organisations are affected to some extent by external factors and trends. The impact of


these factors and trends could be positive, neutral or negative, some are short-lived whilst


others are long-lasting. Analyse a range of external factors and trends currently impacting


organisations. Identify organisational priorities arising from the factors and trends analysed.


(AC 1.3)


3. The CIPD’s report Workplace Technology: the employee experience (2020:2) states, ‘the


impact of the latest technology revolution on how organisations create value and on the


way people work spans all industries, economies and parts of society’. Assess the scale of


technology within organisations and how it impacts work. (AC 1.4)


4. Drawing on your reading, explain one theory or model which examines organisational


culture AND interpret one theory or model which examines human behaviour. (AC 2.1)


5. Assess how people practices impact on organisational culture and behaviour, drawing on


examples to support your arguments. (AC 2.2)


6. Many organisations have managed considerable change in recent years. CIPD’s report,


People Profession 2030: a collective view of future trends (2020) identifies ‘internal change’


as a key future trend.


a. Explain different approaches to managing change (AC 2.3)


b. Discuss models for how change is experienced. (AC 2.4)


7. CIPD’s Good Work Index provides an annual benchmark of job quality. Data is gathered on


seven dimensions of good work, including ‘health and wellbeing’. Assess the importance of


wellbeing at work and factors which impact wellbeing. (AC 2.5)


8. Discuss the links between the employee lifecycle and different people practice roles. (AC




9. Analyse how people practice connects with other areas of an organisation and supports


wider people and organisational strategies. (AC 3.2)


10. People professionals provide a service to internal customers but to truly add value, people


professions need to understand their customer’s needs. Discuss processes for consulting


and engaging with internal customers to understand their needs. (AC 3.3)


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Your evidence must consist of:


Written answers to the assessment questions (4550 words, refer to CIPD word count




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Assessment Criteria Evidence Checklist


You may find the following checklist helpful to make sure that you have included the required evidence to meet the task. This is not a mandatory requirement as long as it is clear in your submission where the assessment criteria have been met.


Assessment criteria Evidenced Y/N Evidence reference
1.1 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different types of organisation structures, including the reasons underpinning them.
1.2 Analyse connections between organisational strategy, products, services and customers.
1.3 Analyse external factors and trends impacting organisations to identify current organisational priorities.
1.4 Assess the scale of technology within organisations and how it impacts work.
2.1 Explain theories and models which examine organisational culture and human behaviour.
2.2 Assess how people practices impact on organisational culture and behaviour.
2.3 Explain different approaches to managing change.
2.4 Discuss models for how change is experienced.
2.5 Assess the importance of wellbeing at work and the different factors which impact wellbeing.
3.1 Discuss the links between the employee lifecycle and different people practice roles.
3.2 Analyse how people practice connects with other areas of an organisation and supports wider people and organisational strategies.
3.3 Discuss processes for consulting and engaging with internal customers to understand their needs.


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Declaration of Authentication


Declaration by learner


I can confirm that this assessment is all my own work and where I have used materials from other sources, they have been properly acknowledged.
Learner name:
Learner signature:
Date**This should be the date on which you submit your assessment

Declaration by Assessor


I confirm that I am satisfied that to the best of my knowledge, the work produced is solely that of the learner.
Assessor name:
Assessor signature:


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Organisational performance and culture in practice


Assessment Criteria marking descriptors.


Assessors will mark in line with the following assessment criteria (AC) marking descriptors, and will indicate where the learner sits within the marking band range for each AC.


Assessors must provide a mark from 1 to 4 for each assessment criteria within the unit. Assessors should use the mark descriptor grid as guidance so they can provide comprehensive feedback that is developmental for learners. Please be aware that not all the mark descriptors will be present in every assessment criterion, so assessors must use their discretion in making grading decisions.


The grid below shows the range for each unit assessment result based on total number of marks awarded across all assessment criteria.


To pass the unit assessment learners must achieve a 2 (Low Pass) or above for each of the assessment criteria.


The overall result achieved will dictate the outcome the learner receives for the unit, provided NONE of the assessment criteria have been failed or referred.


Please note that learners will receive a Pass or Fail result from the CIPD at unit level. Referral grades can be used internally by the centre.


Overall mark Unit result
0 to 23 Fail
24 to 30 Low Pass
31 to 39 Pass
40 to 48 High Pass


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Marking Descriptors


Mark Range Descriptor
1 Fail Insufficient demonstration of knowledge, understanding or skills (as appropriate) required to meet the AC.Insufficient examples included, where required, to support answers. Presentation and structure of assignment is not appropriate and does not meet the assessment brief.Insufficient or no evidence of the use of references to wider reading to help inform answer.
2 Low Pass Demonstrates an acceptable level of knowledge, understanding or skills (as appropriate) required to meet the AC.Sufficient and acceptable examples included, where required, to support answers.Required format adopted but some improvement required to the structure and presentation of the assignment.Answers are acceptable but could be clearer in responding to the task and presented in a more coherent way.Sufficient evidence of the use of references to wider reading to help inform answer.
3 Pass Demonstrates good knowledge, understanding or skills (as appropriate) required to meet the AC.Includes confident use of examples, where required, to support each answer.Presentation and structure of assignment is appropriate for the assessment brief.Answers are clear and well expressed.Good evidence of the use of references to wider reading to help inform answer.
4 High Pass Demonstrates a wide range and confident level of knowledge, understanding or skill (as appropriate).Includes strong examples that illustrate the point being made, that link and support the answer well.Answers are applied to the case organisation or an alternative organisation.Answers are clear, concise and well argued, directly respond to what has been asked.The presentation of the assignment is well structured, coherent and focusses on the need of the questions.Considerable evidence of the use of references to wider reading to inform answer.


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Marking grid and feedback for learner


Unit 5CO01: Assessor Feedback to Learner
Centre number Please enter your centre number here
Centre name Please enter your centre name here
Learner number (1st 7 digits of CIPD Membership number) Please enter the learner number here. Must be 1st 7 digits of CIPD membership number
Learner surname Please enter learner surname here
Learner other names Please enter learner other names here e.g., first name and middle name(s)


AC Number Assessment Criteria Mark1-4
1.1 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different types of organisation structures, including the reasons underpinning them.
Please enter your Assessor feedback here Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable) Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable) Enter mark here
1.2 Analyse connections between organisational strategy, products, services and customers.
Please enter your Assessor feedback here Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable) Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable) Enter mark here
1.3 Analyse external factors and trends impacting organisations to identify current organisational priorities.
Please enter your Assessor feedback here Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable) Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable) Enter mark here


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1.4 Assess the scale of technology within organisations and how it impacts work.
Please enter your Assessor feedback here Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable) Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable) Enter mark here
2.1 Explain theories and models which examine organisational culture and human behaviour.
Please enter your Assessor feedback here Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable) Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable) Enter mark here
2.2 Assess how people practices impact on organisational culture and behaviour.
Please enter your Assessor feedback here Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable) Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable) Enter mark here
2.3 Explain different approaches to managing change.
Please enter your Assessor feedback here Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable) Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable) Enter mark here
2.4 Discuss models for how change is experienced.
Please enter your Assessor feedback here Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable) Enter mark here


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Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable) Enter mark here
2.5 Assess the importance of wellbeing at work and the different factors which impact wellbeing.
Please enter your Assessor feedback here Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable) Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable) Enter mark here
3.1 Discuss the links between the employee lifecycle and different people practice roles.
Please enter your Assessor feedback here Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable) Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable) Enter mark here
3.2 Analyse how people practice connects with other areas of an organisation and supports wider people and organisational strategies.
Please enter your Assessor feedback here Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable) Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable) Enter mark here
3.3 Discuss processes for consulting and engaging with internal customers to understand their needs.
Please enter your Assessor feedback here Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 1 (if applicable) Enter mark here
Please enter your Assessor feedback here for resubmission 2 (if applicable) Enter mark here
Total marks for TASK Enter total marks here


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Total marks for TASK (resubmission 1 if applicable) Enter total marks here
Total marks for TASK (resubmission 2 if applicable) Enter total marks here


Total marks for UNIT Enter total unit marks here Grade Enter grade here
Total marks for UNIT (resubmission 1 if applicable) Enter total unit marks here Grade (resubmission 1 if applicable) Enter grade here
Total marks for UNIT (resubmission 2 if applicable) Enter total unit marks here Grade (resubmission 2 if applicable) Enter grade here
Assessor Feedback SummaryPlease enter your summary and developmental points for the learner here. Please use a different font colour for any resubmission comments.
Assessor signature Please enter your Assessor signature here
Date Please enter date here

5CO01 New Brief august2022