Round Two. Panel Presentation

Final round presentation
The CMO role spans many exciting aspects from portfolio strategy through to stakeholder
management and team leadership. However, there are two key outcomes that this role must
deliver to ensure success:
How we better positioning OMG and its portfolio of agency brands (and products) to create
distinction and preference against the expanding AU competitor set, both now and into the
How we build a more effective lead management program from identification of prospects
through to delivery of quality RFPs across the agency brands, all coordinated against OMG’s
growth objectives.
Considering this, please prepare a presentation that covers:
Part A – 10 mins: What is your high-level marketing vision for OMG and its portfolio of
agency brands, and how would you apply your previous experience to do this?
Part B – 15 mins: What would be your approach in building a lead management program
and highlight some of the opportunities and barriers you would anticipate?
Part A: High-level marketing vision for OMG and its portfolio of agency brands (10 mins)
For this section, I recommend focusing on the following key points:
1. Brand Positioning:
– Develop a clear, differentiated positioning for OMG as the parent brand
– Create distinct yet complementary positioning for each agency brand within the portfolio
– Emphasize unique strengths and specializations of each brand
2. Integrated Marketing Strategy:
– Develop a cohesive marketing strategy that leverages the strengths of each agency brand
– Create synergies across the portfolio to offer comprehensive solutions to clients
3. Thought Leadership:
– Position OMG and its agencies as industry thought leaders
– Develop content marketing initiatives to showcase expertise and innovation
4. Digital Transformation:
– Emphasize OMG’s capabilities in digital marketing and emerging technologies
– Showcase how OMG agencies stay ahead of industry trends
5. Client-Centric Approach:
– Focus on understanding and addressing evolving client needs
– Develop tailored solutions that leverage the full potential of OMG’s portfolio
6. Global Expansion:
– Outline strategies for expanding OMG’s presence in key markets
– Adapt marketing approaches to local markets while maintaining global brand consistency
Part B: Approach to building a lead management program (15 mins)
For this section, consider the following structure:
1. Lead Generation:
– Develop a multi-channel approach to identify and attract potential leads
– Implement account-based marketing (ABM) strategies for high-value prospects
– Leverage data analytics to identify and target ideal client profiles
2. Lead Nurturing:
– Create personalized content journeys for different types of leads
– Implement marketing automation to deliver timely, relevant communications
– Develop a scoring system to prioritize leads based on engagement and fit
3. Lead Qualification:
– Establish clear criteria for qualifying leads across different agency brands
– Implement a lead qualification process that aligns with OMG’s growth objectives
– Train marketing teams on effective qualification techniques
4. Lead Distribution:
– Develop a system for efficiently routing leads to the appropriate agency brand
– Implement a centralized CRM system for tracking leads across the portfolio
– Establish protocols for lead sharing and collaboration between agencies
5. RFP Management:
– Create a centralized RFP response team to ensure consistency and quality
– Develop a repository of best-practice responses and case studies
– Implement a system for tracking RFP success rates and gathering insights
6. Performance Measurement:
– Establish KPIs for lead generation, nurturing, and conversion
– Implement regular reporting and analysis to optimize the lead management process
– Develop a feedback loop between marketing, sales, and account management teams
– Increased cross-selling and upselling across the agency portfolio
– Improved efficiency in lead handling and RFP responses
– Better alignment of marketing efforts with OMG’s growth objectives
– Enhanced ability to target and win high-value clients
– Improved ROI on marketing investments
– Potential resistance to change from individual agency teams
– Complexity of integrating systems and processes across multiple brands
– Ensuring consistent quality of lead management across the portfolio
– Balancing centralized control with agency-level autonomy
– Keeping up with rapidly evolving marketing technologies and client expectations
Would you like me to elaborate on any specific aspects of this outline for your presentation?

Final round presentation [Marketing]