Marketing Analytics

I am seeking a proficient writer to pen a comprehensive research paper on Marketing Analytics, Marketing Analytics Assignment 1 PROJECT BACKGROUND We performed a project in 2013 for a public bus system for a mid-size city. For our purposes, let’s call this the BUS System of Anytown, USA. The objectives of the study were to: 1) Gain an understanding of the makeup of the people who ride the bus. This could include demographics, attitudes, trip characteristics or various combinations of these or other factors. 2) Identify the issues the BUS system should prioritize to give the riders a better experience. There were also other objectives related to payment, travel patterns, and trip profile that are not part of this assignment. INSTRUCTIONS 1) Write a 2 to 5 page research plan that gather feedback from riders of the BUS system.  Identify your research objectives  Describe the sampling plan that you will use, including the overall and individual sample quotas  Describe how you will reach your population and how people will respond to your survey 2) Ensure that your plan will represent the rider population and compare to census population (can use Louisville census data)  Race, Gender, Age  Identify data sources for any comparative data that you use  Separate from the above quotas, you should address how you will account for the various rider volumes on the different bus routes 3) Your research plan should include sections that address the following areas (this is a suggested list, there will likely be other areas you want to address).  An overview of the project  Your research questions  The data collection methodology that will be utilized  Specific obstacles that you anticipate based on the environment and how you intend to overcome those obstacles  Total sample size desired, plus any quotas for sub-populations  A description of your sampling plan and process  Estimated timeline • Ensuring the research paper is academically accurate and free from plagiarism.