Freelancer Requirements for Editing International Teacher Action

Freelancer Requirements for Editing International Teacher Action Research
Workshop Manuscripts
Project Overview
We are seeking experienced freelance editors to prepare manuscripts from the International
Action Research Workshop for inclusion in a forthcoming book. Editors must adhere strictly to
APA 7 formatting and ensure the manuscript is publisher-ready. The manuscripts have a word
limit of 5,000 words but can be shorter. These manuscripts will be repurposed for book
chapters, so editing should focus on both language clarity and adherence to academic
Key Editing Requirements
1. Word Limit:
○ Manuscripts should be no more than 5,000 words. While they can be shorter,
they should be concise without compromising on content.
○ Ensure the flow of ideas is maintained even when reducing word count, avoiding
abrupt transitions.
2. Formatting:
○ Strict APA 7th Edition formatting must be used throughout the manuscript. This
■ Title page formatting (for book chapters, if applicable).
■ In-text citations and references must follow APA 7 guidelines.
■ Ensure the correct usage of headings and sub-headings, formatted
according to APA 7th style.
■ No unnecessary white spaces between paragraphs, sections, or
■ Double-spacing throughout the manuscript, including references.
■ Consistent use of Times New Roman, 12pt font.
○ Manuscripts should be fully aligned with publisher-ready standards, meaning
they are professionally formatted, clean, and polished.
3. Content Requirements:
○ The manuscript should be academically sound, with:
■ Clear articulation of the action research methodologies, findings, and
■ Logical flow and coherence, with well-connected sentences and clear
transitions between sections.
○ Repurpose the manuscripts for book chapters: Ensure the content is
structured appropriately for a book chapter format. This may involve:
■ Revising sections for consistency with the tone and style of a book
■ Ensuring that research objectives, purposes, and findings are clearly
stated upfront to match a book chapter’s narrative.
4. Quality of Writing:
○ Ensure clarity and readability: Sentences should flow smoothly with logical
transitions between ideas.
○ Eliminate redundancies or overly complex sentences that detract from clarity.
○ Maintain academic tone but avoid excessive jargon or convoluted language that
may confuse readers unfamiliar with the subject.
○ Grammar and syntax: Ensure the manuscript is free from grammatical errors,
spelling mistakes, or awkward phrasing.
5. Referencing, Citations, and Copyright:
○ Citation Review and Triangulation:
■ All existing citations must be reviewed to ensure they are current and
accurately reflect the source material.
■ Triangulate sources with updated citations where necessary to ensure
relevance and credibility.
■ If citing from older research, ensure it is still pertinent to the current
context of the manuscript.
○ Copyright Compliance:
■ Ensure no copyright violations occur within the manuscript.
■ Do not copy-paste images or figures directly from textbooks or
copyrighted materials. Instead, summarize and reference all diagrams,
tables, or visual data. Editors should be prepared to rewrite descriptions
of figures or tables, making sure they adhere to APA 7 standards while
avoiding any replication of copyrighted material.
■ Where summarizing diagrams or tables, ensure proper attribution is
given to the original source through in-text citations and a complete
reference entry.
○ APA 7 Formatting for Figures and Tables:
■ Ensure that all figures and tables included in the manuscript are formatted
according to APA 7 guidelines.
■ Titles and captions should be properly formatted and placed, and tables
should have consistent structure and alignment.
○ Copyright-Free Diagrams:
■ If diagrams, charts, or figures are required, create original ones that
reflect the manuscript’s content, ensuring that no copyrighted images are
6. Content Enhancement:
○ Add bridging concepts where needed for smoother transitions between
○ Ensure sections are logically grouped and coherent to improve the overall flow.
○ Visual elements: If any figures, tables, or visual aids are included, they must be
formatted according to APA 7 standards, with titles and captions correctly placed.
7. Style Consistency:
○ Ensure consistency in tone, style, and language usage throughout the
○ Use active voice where appropriate to enhance readability.
○ Use the first person to avoid anthropomorphism.
○ Use past tense when referring to past research or researcher actions.
8. No Excessive White Spaces:
○ Remove unnecessary white spaces in the document to maintain a professional
○ Ensure paragraphs and sections follow each other without awkward breaks.
9. Final Proofing:
○ Before submission, the manuscript must undergo a final proofread to ensure it is
error-free and ready for publication.
○ Ensure that the manuscript adheres to the word limit, formatting standards, and
publisher requirements.
Additional Information
● Turnaround Time: We expect the edited manuscripts to be returned within [Specify
● Manuscript Review: A final review will be conducted before submission to the publisher.
Any revisions may be requested at that time.
● Communication: The editor should provide updates on progress and be available for
any queries or clarifications during the editing process.
Submission Guidelines
● Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format.
● File naming convention: [LastName_ChapterTitle.docx].
Application Requirements
● Applicants must have experience editing manuscripts in APA 7 format and preparing
documents for publication.
● Provide samples of previously edited work, especially manuscripts intended for
publication or book chapters.
● Submit a detailed proposal with your editing process and timelines.

Editing Requirements File

SITXHRM009_Assessment Manual

SITXHRM009_Student Assessment Template