5HR02 – Talent Assignment

5HR02 – Talent
Management and
workforce planning
Assessment Guidance Video
5HR02 – Task
Task – Written response
A written response to the following questions
Task Guidance:
Please review the guidance on the assessment brief and grading grid.
Provide a written response to the following questions of 3900 words +/- 10%, refer to the
CIPD word count policy. Please use the assessment criteria numbers as the headings.
References must be included in the reference list along with corresponding in-text citations within
each assessment criteria answer.
Questions and
assessment criteria
Question 1
Preparation Tips!
Question Criteria Signpost to the Hub
An explanation of how
organisations strategically
position themselves in a
competitive labour market.
AC1.1 – Explain how
organisations strategically
position themselves in
competitive labour markets.
Week(s) 1
• Explain how organisations strategically position themselves in competitive labour markets in terms
of the actions they can take eg becoming an employer of choice, improving the employer
branding etc.
Question 2
Preparation Tips!
Question Criteria Signpost to the Hub
Explanation of at least two examples of
changing labour market conditions
including a discussion of tight and loose
labour market conditions.
AC1.2 – Explain the impact
of changing labour market
conditions on resourcing
Week(s) 1
• Define and discuss the implications of tight and loose labour market conditions.
• Explanation of at least two examples of changing labour market conditions eg trends in the
demand and supply of labour and skills, an ageing workforce, flexible working etc
Question 3
Preparation Tips!
Question Criteria Signpost to the Hub
An analysis of the impact of
effective workforce planning in
terms of how the process helps
us to forecast demand and
supply of labour.
AC 2.1 – Analyse the impact of
effective workforce planning.
Week(s) 2
• Definition of workforce planning.
• Analysis of the impact of effective workforce planning in terms of how the process helps us to
forecast demand and supply of labour. Including some of the challenges we may face in the
Question 4
Preparation Tips!
Question Criteria Signpost to the Hub
An evaluation of the effectiveness of
two techniques which are used to
support the process of workforce
AC 2.2 – Evaluate the
techniques used to support
the process of workforce
Week(s) 2
• Evaluate at least two techniques which can be used to support the process of workforce
planning eg managerial judgement, critical incident analysis etc.
• Consider the benefits of these techniques and some of the issues/drawbacks associated with
them in relation to workforce planning.
• Offering your judgement of their effectiveness.
Question 5
Preparation Tips!
Question Criteria Signpost to the Hub
An evaluation of the strengths
and weaknesses of two different
methods of recruitment and two
different methods of selection to
build effective workforces.
AC 2.3 – Evaluate the strengths
and weaknesses of different
methods of recruitment and
selection to build effective
Week(s) 2
• Evaluate two methods to recruit employees eg social media and job boards etc
• Evaluate two methods to select employees eg interviews and job references etc
• Consider the strengths and weaknesses of each method and offer your judgement of the
effectiveness of such methods.
Question 6
Preparation Tips!
Question Criteria Signpost to the Hub
Discuss factors that influence
why people choose to leave or
remain in organisations.
AC 3.1 – Discuss factors that
influence why people choose to
leave or remain in organisations.
Week(s) 3
• Discuss the differences between voluntary and involuntary turnover.
• Discuss one factor that influences why people choose to leave organisations.
• Discuss one factor that influences why people remain in organisations.
Question 7
Preparation Tips!
Question Criteria Signpost to the Hub
A comparison of different
approaches to retaining people.
AC 3.2 – Compare different
approaches to retaining people.
Week(s) 3
• Comparison of two different approaches which can be used to retain people eg training and
development, lateral moves, flexible working and worklife balance, workplace characteristic etc.
• Consider the similarities and differences of these approaches.
Question 8
Preparation Tips!
Question Criteria Signpost to the Hub
An explanation of the direct and
indirect costs associated with
dysfunctional employee
AC 3.3 – Explain the impact of
dysfunctional employee
Week(s) 4
• Define the term dysfunctional employee turnover.
• Then explain the direct and indirect costs associated with it, include examples to support your
Question 9
Preparation Tips!
Question Criteria Signpost to the Hub
An assessment of two types of
contractual arrangements.
AC 4.1 – Assess suitable types of
contractual arrangements
dependent on specific
workforce need.
Week(s) 4
• Assess two different types of contracts which could be introduced for new staff e.g. zero-hour
contracts, contractor contracts etc.
• Consider the pros and cons of each type of contractual arrangement and which workforce need
they would be most suited to.
Question 10
Preparation Tips!
Question Criteria Signpost to the Hub
An explanation of at least two
benefits of onboarding.
AC 4.2 – Explain the benefits of
effective onboarding.
Week (s) 5
• Definition of onboarding.
• Explanation two benefits of onboarding eg improved effectiveness in role, retention and reduced
employee turnover etc.
5HR02 – Important information
Task: 3900 words +/- 10%
Please refer to the new CIPD word count policy
Submission file: (name your files as follows)
Next steps:
Read the brief
requirements thoroughly
Work through the
learning resources on
the Avado platform to
gain relevant
knowledge and
Plan your assessment in
line with your learning
Don’t leave your
assessment to the last
Ensure you are familiar
with the grading
descriptors and have
read through the
grading grid
Ensure you have
included references.

