Global Connectedness Index

  1. Read at least pages 1-27 of the DHL Global Connectedness Index report.
  2. Use the pdf sent below to explore the trends in global connectivity from 2005 to 2015. It is an excel sheet with 3 different Tables.

In the paper:

  • Briefly explain how the Global Connectedness Index operationalizes connectivity.
  • Select whatever measure you find the most compelling indication of connectivity and briefly explain why you believe that to be the case.
  • Report on which countries are on the steepest rise and steepest decline: Research reasons for these dynamic changes and explain what those changes could mean for organizations within those countries and organizations that are thinking about expanding into those countries.
  • What does connectivity tell us about the environment for doing business worldwide?


Choose countries that are sharp increase or rapid decrease.

3 countries that is decreasing, and other 3 that’s increasing, then make research. If a country is declining or inclining, provide reasoning with evidence supporting it

What does connectivity mean while doing business world-wide.

At least 6 to 7 reasons why each country decreased and at least 6 to 7 factors why each country increased. Provide evidence, which is fine from other trusted sources, also check Institution Voids, maybe they reflect it.

Based on the link I provided,( DHL Global Connectedness Index report. ) You will find figures starting from page 1-27. Choose 1 figure and justify why you chose it and how did you apply it

Find ATLEAST 5 credible sources (Credible source, Google scholar, government website, official website finances).

The goal of your paper should be to explain how connectedness (e.g., the flat world debate) can help inform strategic decision-making.

Please focus on the LOs because they are the core components of the course. Building your paper around the LOs is much better than writing an essay and then shoving in LO footnotes. You may tag LOs with a footnote to make it clear to you and the Professor where you are trying to highlight specific concepts, but do not explain your application in a footnote. Everything you need to make your case that this is a good use of the LO should be in the main text.



1000-1250 words

Learning Outcomes Added

The assignment will be graded from these factors

#Flat world: Evaluate the “flat-world” debate and apply it to business strategy issues.

#Why global: Explain and evaluate the motivations for why a business exists in the global marketplace.

#How global: Analyze the utility, costs, and implementation of global value chains.

#Econstrat: Analyze how economic and financial environments influence business strategy.

#ProfessionalWorkProduct: Follows the established guidelines for the task and academic conventions in writing and presentations.

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