Individual HW 2

Scenario A. A researcher wants to study the impact of different incentive structures on employee productivity. Employees in sales group 1 are assigned to receive a monetary bonus, sales group 2 is assigned extra vacation days, and sales group 3 is given public recognition for meeting productivity goals over 3 months.

1.What is the independent variable in scenario A?

The company

The researchers

Employee productivity

The employees

The incentive structure

2.How many levels are there for this IV?





3. What type of IV best describes the IV in Scenario A? Explain your reasoning and why you think this type best describes this IV.

4. What is the DV in scenario A?

The company

The incentive structure

Employee productivity

The employees

The researchers

5. Provide an operational definition for the dependent variable in scenario A. Some important information that needs to be included in your operational definition includes:

  • What is the operational definition of your dv (how do you define it)?
  • How will you record or measure the dv?

6. What is the confound for Scenario A (You may list more than one, but you must give at least one!).

7.How could the confound be fixed for Scenario A? Be sure to tell me what technique you are using (constancy, repeated measures, randomization, elimination, or balancing), as well as how you would apply that technique to this specific scenario, and how that would fix this confound.

Scenario B. A tech company wants to assess whether using dark mode or light mode on devices affects eye strain. Participants are randomly assigned to use their devices in dark mode or light mode for 4 weeks and then their eye strain is measured.

8. What is the independent variable in scenario B?

The participants

The color setting on their phone (dark mode vs light mode)

The type of phone they are using

The 4 week time period

The researchers

Eye strain


9. How many levels does this IV have?






10. What type of IV best describes the IV in Scenario B?






11. What is the dependent variable in Scenario B?

The 4 week time period

Eye strain

The participants

The type of phone they are using

The color setting on their phone (light mode vs dark mode)

12. Provide an operational definition for the dependent variable in scenario B. Some important information that needs to be included in your operational definition includes:

  • What is the operational definition of your dv (how do you define it)?
  • How will you record or measure the dv?

13.What is the confound for Scenario B (you may list more than one, but you must give at least one!).

14.How could the confound be fixed for Scenario B? Be sure to tell me what technique you are using (constancy, repeated measures, randomization, elimination, or balancing), as well as how you would apply that technique to this specific scenario, and how that would fix this confound.

Scenario C. A researcher wants to study how age influences the effectiveness of memory training programs. Participants are divided into three age groups: young adults (18-30), middle-aged adults (31-50), and older adults (51-70). All participants undergo the same memory training program for 8 weeks.

15.What is the independent variable in Scenario C?

Group of answer choices

Memory ability

The age of the participants

The researchers

The memory training program

16.How many levels does this IV have?

Group of answer choices





17.What type of IV best describes this IV?

Group of answer choices





18. What is the DV for Scenario C?

Group of answer choices

The age of the participants

The memory training program

Memory ability

The researchers

19.Provide an operational definition for the dependent variable in scenario C. Some important information that needs to be included in your operational definition includes:

  • what is the dv (how do you define it)?
  • how will you measure or record the dv?

20.How could the confound be fixed in Scenario C? Be sure to tell me what technique you are using (constancy, repeated measures, randomization, elimination, or balancing), as well as how you would apply that technique to this specific scenario, and how that would fix this confound.

21.How could the confound be fixed in Scenario C? Be sure to tell me what technique you are using (constancy, repeated measures, randomization, elimination, or balancing), as well as how you would apply that technique to this specific scenario, and how that would fix this confound.