Concept Paper on Cultural Competence in Healthcare

Write a concept paper on “Cultural Competence in Healthcare Leadership: Developing leadership frameworks to enhance cultural competence among healthcare professionals” in APA 7th edition format that describes the project sufficiently for the preceptor and instructor to understand your intent. The paper must include the following:

1. The subject of the project is Cultural Competence in Healthcare Leadership: Developing leadership frameworks to enhance cultural competence among healthcare professionals. The location is an urgent care clinic in Mobile, Alabama.

2. The project can be a report, policy, guidelines, or research results.

3. Value of the project. I feel the subject will contribute to both the body of knowledge and the organization’s best practices.

4. Description of the project development plan How will you do this project? From where will you get the information you need to complete the project? What are the major steps, and when do you expect to be done? You can create a Gantt chart to help you decide the major steps or milestones.

5. Concept paper should be no less than 5 pages in length, not including your title and reference page(s). Use APA 7th format and cite correctly. Minimum of 3 resources are to be utilized, aged 2020-2024 only. Scholarly resources should include peer-reviewed articles and other pertinent research. Minimal (less than 2) internet sources please.