research articles

I’m looking for someone to help critique two mixed-methods research articles. The critique should be 2-3 pages in length and succinctly address the merits and methods of each study. The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of both mixed-methods research and educational theory. Critique content should cover: 1. The nature of the research problem or topic 2. The approach to mixed-methods research 3. The representation of educational theory 4. The role of the researcher 5. Methods of data collection 6. Methods of data analysis 7. The stance taken regarding validity 8. Overall merits of the study Understanding of mixed-methods research and educational theory is crucial for this project. Please provide previous relevant work samples. Article 1: Alkadry, M. G. (2002). Reciting colonial scripts: Colonialism, globalization, and democracy in the decolonized Middle East. Article 2: Perspectives on Public Management and Governance, 2(4), 239–243. Agüero, Renzo de la Riva (2024).