respond to this prompt by reflecting upon your own writing process.

  1. Biology
  • Consider your own genetics (traits received from your parents) and the environment in which you grew up. Which do you think has had a greater impact on your life, “nature” (the genes you have) or “nurture” (the environment in which you grew up)? Contemplate your lifestyle or choices in life. Might either factor have influenced your choices? Why or why not? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.
  1. Math
  • You may have found that mathematics takes more time and practice when compared to other subjects you have studied. For this journal response, share your routine or schedule for completing each unit. What are some time management strategies that you use to help you effectively learn the material and complete your assignments on time? Next, explain a new technique that you can adopt to help you improve your understanding and completion of each lesson. Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.


  1. English
  • Top of Form
  • In Unit II, we discussed that there is a process to writing but that there is no one, specific, start-to-finish process. Instead, the process is cyclical as we learned throughout the lesson. Additionally, you learned that it is important to understand yourself as a writer and that you have your own process. In Unit III, you wrote your first paper for this class and should now have a better idea of your own writing process.


Please respond to this prompt by reflecting upon your own writing process. You may choose to use the guiding questions/prompts below as a way to begin your reflection; however, you do not have to address all of the questions. The objective of this reflection is to become better acquainted with the process that you go through when writing.


    1. What was your process of writing the Unit III Compare/Contrast Essay? For example, did you use any pre-writing activities like free writing, bubble mapping, or outlining? Did you brainstorm? Did you write the essay all in one session, or did you break it up into multiple writing sessions?
    2. What are your feelings about writing? Have you always had these feelings? Did anything surprise you about writing the Unit III paper?
    3. Do you always follow the same process every time you write, or does your process seem to change depending upon what you are writing?
    4. What was your process for writing this reflection? How did this process differ from your process of writing the paper?
    5. Will you alter or develop your writing process going forward?


Remember that this is a piece of reflective writing, and while we tend to consider reflective writing to be about “how far we have come,” it is not necessary for that to be the case. Looking in the mirror at our reflection is not an act about the passage of time or about growth; it is about being able to see ourselves where we could not before. Remember to be kind to yourself. You are a beginning writer, and this is an exercise about discovering who you are as a writer so that we can work together to build who you will be.

  1. Learning for successBottom of Form
  • Your professor has assigned you the task to argue whether teachers should be allowed to carry guns in school. In order to prepare for your debate, you decide to Google this topic.


As you review the Google results, how do you judge what are academically acceptable sources and what is propaganda? What would be a better plan of action? Journals must have at least 200 words. No references or citations are required.

  1. Research methods
  • Secondary analysis of existing data collected by other researchers, for other purposes, offers researchers the potential to answer research questions without having to go through the process of collecting the data themselves. Based on your Unit III Assignment, address the prompts below.

Identify a specific academic, governmental, or commercial source of quantitative secondary data that could be used to solve the problem you stated in Part 2 of the Unit III assignment. Provide reference information for this source.

Describe how you will obtain access to the data.

Explain why the data are suitable for addressing your research problem.

List the limitations of using the data.

This journal should be at least two pages in length, not counting the required references page. Please thoroughly address all areas listed above, and include at least two credible sources. An abstract is not required. Adhere to APA Style, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used.


  1. Advanced Marketing
  • Top of Form
  • Think about how the use of celebrities in endorsements affects your buying decisions. If one of these endorsers had a bout of bad behavior, would that influence your purchasing and allegiance to that product and, ultimately, the company?


Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.Bottom of Form

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