SHEILA- UP TO 10/1/23



PART 1- Module 1 DISCUSSION (SHEILA)- Goal & Organizational Pattern

Identify a TED Talk that uses a persuasive presentation. As you watch, try to identify the speaker’s goal and organizational pattern.

Based on the descriptions in Chapter 12 of various types of persuasive presentations:

Would you consider the presentation successful?

Which of the speaker’s strategies did you find effective?

Which strategies did you find ineffective?

Did the presentation illustrate ethical persuasion?

How did the speaker establish credibility?

Explain your answers and provide examples.

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Your initial post should be at least 200 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 1 academic source. Remember to include the TED Talk in your references.

PART 2- Module 1 ASSIGNMENT (SHEILA)- Communicating at Work

Determine which organizational interactions (downward communication, upward communication, or horizontal communication) discussed in Chapter 1 of the textbook you use most in your workplace as a COMMUNITY RESOURCES ADMINSTRATOR.

Describe one of the situations that went wrong at your workplace that you recorded in your three-day log.

What are the areas you identified as desirable in improving your communication skills?

Based on what you read in Chapter 1, what was the cause of the communication breakdown? How would you approach solving the conflict?

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: The paper is to be 4 pages in length double-spaced, current APA style, excluding the title and reference page. Incorporate a minimum of 5 current references (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Use the PRIMARY SOURCE TEMPLATE (IT WILL BE SENT BY SUPPORT AS I WAS NOT ABLE TO UPLOAD IT) to outline and analyze the research for your assignment.

PART 3- Module 2 DISCUSSION (SHEILA)- Unequivocal Language

Practice your skill at using unequivocal language by describing how each of the following sentences is likely to be misunderstood (or not understood at all). Then improve the clarity of each message by introducing your message with a high-level abstraction and qualifying it with low-level abstractions. To invent meaningful low-level abstractions, you will have to imagine a specific scenario.

1. You did a heck of a job on that proposal.

2. There are just a few small problems to clear up.

3.  I just need a little more time to finish the job.

4.  Your job performance hasn’t been good this year.

Take the information from the above activity and apply it to a work situation you have faced.  Specifically focus on how you would deal with it differently now that you have this information.

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Your initial post should be at least 200 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 1 academic source.

PART 4- Module 2 Assignment (SHEILA)- Differences in Communication

Either through personal interviews or research, identify several differences in communication practices between your own culture and another culture that interests you.

Choose one set of cultural values summarized on pp. 45-49 and identify the characteristic that is not representative of your own culture. For example, if you are used to a low-context culture, you might focus on high-context communication. Now consider both the advantages and disadvantages of working in an environment in which this unfamiliar norm is the dominant one. For instance, how might interactions be more effective or otherwise desirable if most people communicated in a high-context manner?

Choose three cultures around the world with which you might interact in the course of your career. To discover the keys to effective intercultural communication in your three chosen cultures, find some reputable sources on the internet. For each of the three cultures describe:

The culture in general

The business protocols for that culture

The language(s)

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Assignment should be 3 pages,formatted and cited in current APA. Incorporate a minimum of 5 current references (published within the last five years)Â scholarly journal article orprimary legal sources(statutes, court opinions) within your work.