personal statement essay

Upload an essay (single-spaced and no more than 5 pages) that addresses the following questions:

• Why are you applying to this specific leadership-focused DrPH program and what do you specifically hope to gain from it?

• What are your career goals? • We expect students in each cohort to learn from each other as well as from faculty and guest speakers. What contributions will you bring to the cohort and how will you contribute to a diverse community?

• What do you consider to be your most significant professional leadership accomplishment. (Describe your role, what you accomplished, how you accomplished it, and how it improved—or should improve—the public’s health, quality of care, or and/or system/organization).

• How does your work experience qualify you as being mid- to senior-career?

• What is your biggest disappointment or failure in your work or career so far? What did you learn or how did you overcome this challenge? • What is a significant risk you’ve taken in your work or career?

• Why do you care about the public’s health?

• What else do you want us to know that you think makes you a competitive candidate for this program and helps us understand your core values and being?